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姓名 吳敏豪(Min-Hao Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
(Reversible Information Hiding Techniques for Medical Images)
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摘要(中) 真正資訊隱藏技術是將機密資訊從負載影像嵌入後,在將影像傳送給對方後,在由對方利用相同演算法將機密訊息取出。真正可逆資訊隱藏是可以完完全全取出機密訊息並且讓影像恢復原始樣貌。對於一些敏感的影像的應用,例如:醫學影像、軍事影像或是衛星影像等方面是很重要影像。因為這類的敏感影像是不容許出現些微的失真,這種情況造成應用上誤判。本論文將設計具影像可逆式資訊隱藏技術在這類的敏感影像。故而發展出真正可逆式資訊隱藏技術,它目的是將機密取出後可以徹底地還原出原始影像的容貌,可以避免發生任何因藏入後的影像失真並且不讓秘密訊息的任何型態被第三者所偵測到。
摘要(英) The real reversible information concealment technique embeds secret information from the image carrier. After the information is embedded in the image carrier, the image is transferred from the Internet. Secret information is extracted with the same algorithm that is used to recover the stego image, which hides the information image. This concealment technique can completely extract the image and return it to its original appearance. Image quality is very important for sensitive imaging applications, such as medical, military, and satellite imaging. These sensitive images must not appear even slightly distorted; the recovered images can be misinterpreted if any distortion is present. In this dissertation, we propose a reversible information concealment technique for sensitive images. Using the proposed method, real reversible information concealment techniques can avoid image distortion while being undetected by application software.
In this dissertation, we first discuss four types of information concealment based on a histogram mechanism. In our proposed scheme, both natural and non-natural images can be processed. In the pre-processing phase, images are processed by analysis and overflow (or underflow). In the analysis of these images, natural and non-natural images can be distinguished. The overflow/underflow process can prevent overflowing/underflowing of pixels after the secret information is embedded. Furthermore, various prediction strategies can be used to increase the image capacity and quality. For example, a side-match scheme employs the surrounding pixels or a 3 × 3 block to predict the values of the pixels that are divided into two, four, eight, or more classes in the natural images. From that point, a weight strategy uses the predicted pixel values of each of the proximate sides and doubles or triples these pixels for the respective sides. A threshold strategy is then used to prevent image pixel underflow/overflow. A similar dynamic programming approach is then used after each prediction to select the highest image quality for the next predicted image. Then, a difference image is generated to find the peak and zero points using the histogram method. The selected pixels are situated between the peak and zero points by shifting and embedding. Accordingly, a stego image is obtained. The peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) can be maintained at approximately 48 dB, while human perception is not affected under image visual quality of approximately 30 dB. Based on our experimental results, the capacity of the proposed method is higher than those of existing methods.
關鍵字(中) ★ Nature image
★ Non-nature image
★ Reversible
★ Information hiding
★ weighted average
★ Dynamic program process
關鍵字(英) ★ 自然影像
★ 非自然影像
★ 可逆
★ 資訊隱藏
★ 平均權重
★ 動態規劃
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Index v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Related Work 7
2.1. Ni et al.’s method 7
2.2. Li et al.’s method 9
2.3. Method of Sachnev et al. 12
2.4. Yang and Tsai’s scheme 14
Chapter 3. Reversible Information hiding in Image Systems by Means of Histogram-shifting Strategy 15
3.1. Proposed Scheme 15
3.2. Pre-processed phase 16
3.3. Embedding algorithm 20
3.4. Extracting and reversing the algorithm 25
3.5. Experiments and Discussions 27
3.6. Summaries 32
Chapter 4. Reversible Information Hiding in Image Systems on the Basis of Similar Dynamic Program Prediction Strategy 33
4.1. Proposed Scheme 34
4.2. Pre-processing of underflow or overflow 36
4.3. Embedding algorithm 38
4.4. Extraction and reversal algorithm 42
4.5. Other prediction algorithms 45
4.6. Experiment results 46
4.7. Summaries 57
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work 58
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指導教授 許富皓(Fu-Hau Hsu) 審核日期 2016-7-21
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