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姓名 張倩斐(Chien-Fei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 客家政治經濟研究所
論文名稱 客家節慶活動旅遊效益之研究-以新埔義民節為例
(The Study on the Tourism Benefit Generated from Hakka Festival Activities– Taking Xinpu Heroes Festival as an example)
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摘要(中) 節慶活動為一股替代傳統觀光的新浪潮,不僅能夠帶動地方發展,亦能增進地方民眾與遊客之關係。新埔義民節的文化是客家族群在信仰上所保留下來的共同習俗,也是生活的部分。亦保有當地的文化特色與傳統信仰的義民節可使客家文化產生附加價值的有效方法。除了有說不完的宗教信仰外,許多傳統活動也漸漸轉型節慶般的新意象,並且帶來利潤龐大的創意商機。
摘要(英) Festival celebration activities are considered to be a new wave replacing the traditional tourism. It can not only lead the local development, but also strengthen the relationship between local people and tourists. The culture of Xinpu Heroes Festival is a common tradition maintained by Hakka beliefs, it is a part of the daily life as well. In addition, it is a festival that preserves the local cultural features and the traditional beliefs, an effective way to create added-value to Hakka culture. Other than endless stories of religious belief that can be talked, many traditional activities have gradually been transformed into new festival-like contexts, they bring in significant profitable and innovative business opportunities.
This study primarily focuses on tourists and stores in the neighborhood of Xinpu Heroes Temple in Hsinchu County. The celebration activities of Xinpu Heroes Festival were used to attain the first hand responses of the questionnaires. From the responses of the questionnaires, the variables regarding the participants to the tourism recognition, consumption status, satisfaction and basic structural data of Heroes Festival celebrations were learned and SPSS18.0 analysis was adopted to analyze the basic data. Taking the evaluation of the tourism benefit of Xinpu Heroes Festival activities as an example, the total touring cost of a consumer at the tourism site reflects the price of the recreational activities undertaken by the consumer. The questionnaires were used to discover the averaged expenditure of each person. TCM was used to build the empirical research model of the recreational needs in connection with the festival activities, and the STATA statistic software was used to estimate the model of tourism needs in connection with the festival activities, and to further infer the differences of the groups with various environmental values in their recognitions and behaviors to the environmental protection, the flexibility of prices, the flexibility of incomes and recreational benefit.
The statistic data is not intended to be used to determine the level, the degree or the quality of the development of domestic tourism, rather to evaluate the impact and contribution of tourism to economy for the reference of overall industrial development or policy formulation in the future. This study estimated that the local tourism benefit generated from Xinpu Heroes Festival activities in 2011 had mounted to NT$256,140,000, as such, the benefit generated from tourism was obvious.
關鍵字(中) ★ 家節慶活動
★ 新埔義民節
★ 旅遊效益
關鍵字(英) ★ Tourism Benefit
★ Xinpu Heroes Festival
★ Hakka Festival Activities
論文目次 摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 7
第五節 研究設計 8
第二章 文獻回顧 15
第一節 相關文獻檢視 16
第二節 客家節慶活動 20
第三節 節慶經濟效益 26
第四節 小結 33
第三章 客家義民節慶 35
第一節 台灣宗教節慶之發展 35
第二節 台灣義民節的起源與發展 46
第三節 新埔義民節的現況 50
第四節 小結 62
第四章 研究結果與討論 65
第一節 遊客調查結果分析 65
第二節 商家調查分析 124
第三節 小結 130
第五章 結論 131
第一節 研究發現 131
第二節 研究建議 133
參考書目 137
中文部分 137
英文部分 141
附錄 143
附錄一 143
附錄二 148
附錄三 154
附錄四 158
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指導教授 李世暉、陳定銘
(Shih-hui Li、Ting-Ming Chen)
審核日期 2012-7-30
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