博碩士論文 93521082 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪國欽(Guo-Chin Hong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 模板式電路和二維元件模擬器之開發
(Development of Template Circuit and 2D Device Simulator)
★ 表面電漿共振效應於光奈米元件之數值研究★ 金氧半電容元件的暫態模擬之數值量測
★ 雙載子電晶體在一維和二維空間上模擬的比較★ 改善後的階層化不完全LU法及其在二維半導體元件模擬上的應用
★ 一維雙載子接面電晶體數值模擬之驗證及其在元件與電路混階模擬之應用★ 階層化不完全LU法及其在準靜態金氧半場效電晶體電容模擬上的應用
★ 探討分離式簡化電路模型在半導體元件模擬上的效益★ 撞擊游離的等效電路模型與其在半導體元件模擬上之應用
★ 二維半導體元件模擬的電流和電場分析★ 三維半導體元件模擬器之開發及SOI MOSFET特性分析
★ 元件分割法及其在二維互補式金氧半導體元件之模擬★ 含改良型L-ILU解法器及PDM電路表述之二維及三維元件數值模擬器之開發
★ 含費米積分之高效率載子解析模型及其在元件模擬上的應用★ 量子力學等效電路模型之建立及其對元件模擬之探討
★ 適用於二維及三維半導體元件模擬的可調變式元件切割法★ 整合式的混階模擬器之開發及其在振盪電路上的應用
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摘要(中) 本論文是主要開發兩套模板式模擬器,第一個是模擬器叫做是模板式暫態電路模擬器,我們簡稱它為TR_CKT,它是包含許多基本的電路元件,所以使用者可以用這些電路元件來做電路相關應用。第二個模擬器是模板式暫態元件模擬器,我們簡稱它為TR_DEV2D,它的主要原理是用Poisson’’s方程式和電子電洞連續方程式去組成等效電路,所以它可以用來模擬二維半導體元件和混階之應用。我們對這兩套模擬器開發了輸入語法,使用者可以把想要模擬的電路應用,二維元件,或混階元件和電路應用寫在輸入檔去做模擬。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we develop two template simulators. First simulator is the template transient circuit simulator (TR_CKT). It includes many circuit elements. The user can use TR_CKT for circuit application. Second simulator is the template transient device simulator (TR_DEV2D). The principle of the TR_DEV2D is to formulate Poisson’s and continuity equations into the equivalent-circuit model. It can be used to simulate the semiconductor device and mixed-level application. We have developed the format of input files for the two simulators. The user can follow the input files for circuit simulation, 2D device simulation, and the mixed-level device and circuit simulation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 模板式
★ 二維元件
關鍵字(英) ★ template
★ 2d device
論文目次 1. Introduction....1
2. Development of Template Transient Circuit Simulator..........3
2.1 Introduction to TR_CKT........3
2.2 TR_CKT statement format........ 4
2.3 MOSFET I-V comparison between the packaged and the unpackaged versions..........6
2.4 MOSFET C-V comparison between the packaged and the unpackaged versions...........8
2.5 Circuit applications.............13
3. Development of Template Transient Device Simulator.........................23
3.1 Introduction to TR_DEV2D............23
3.2 2-D equivalent circuit model for TR_DEV2D....24
3.3 TR_DEV2D statement format............27
3.4 Comparison between the packaged and the unpackaged versions...........28
3.5 2D device applications............31
3.6 Mixed-level applications...........36
4. Conclusion..........................40
List of reference....................41
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[2] MEDICI: Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Simulation Program. Palo Alto, CA: Technology Modeling ASSOCIATES, 1993.
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[9] A. Sedra, and K. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuit,” Oxford University, Inc 2004
指導教授 蔡曜聰(Yao-Tsung Tsai) 審核日期 2006-6-22
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