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姓名 謝大中(Ta-Chung Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 非接觸式阻抗量測系統之感測器設計
(The Design of Impedance Sensor for Contactless Measurement Systems)
★ 影像處理運用於家庭防盜保全之研究★ 適用區域範圍之指紋辨識系統設計與實現
★ 頭部姿勢辨識應用於游標與機器人之控制★ 應用快速擴展隨機樹和人工魚群演算法及危險度於路徑規劃
★ 智慧型機器人定位與控制之研究★ 基於人工蜂群演算法之物件追蹤研究
★ 即時人臉偵測、姿態辨識與追蹤系統實現於複雜環境★ 基於環型對稱賈柏濾波器及SVM之人臉識別系統
★ 改良凝聚式階層演算法及改良色彩空間影像技術於無線監控自走車之路徑追蹤★ 模糊類神經網路於六足機器人沿牆控制與步態動作及姿態平衡之應用
★ 四軸飛行器之偵測應用及其無線充電系統之探討★ 結合白區塊視網膜皮層理論與改良暗通道先驗之單張影像除霧
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
★ 模糊控制與灰色預測應用於隧道型機械手臂之分析★ 模糊滑動模態控制器之設計及應用於非線性系統
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摘要(中) 非接觸式阻抗量測是一種利用磁感應原理檢測生物組織導電率的成像技術,其目的是針對生物阻抗的應用技術,尤其是對臨床診斷和追蹤疾病演變過程都具有十分意義。
摘要(英) The contactless impedance measurement is a kind of technology of image construction to examine biological conductivity by magnetic induction. It is the improvement of application technology at biologic impedance, especially for clinical diagnosis and the tracking the process of disease.
The goal of this thesis is to measure the surface impedance of the object. We propose a contactless scheme to measure conductivity. The major scheme includes the sensor, the scanning platform, signal processing system and graphic user interface. This system could estimate the conductivity distribution of the interesting region by contactlessly measuring the coupling field of received coil. The magnetic measurement system could remove the effect of contact impedance. For biologic tissue measurement, the ratio between the primary and secondary components can be up to 10000:1. In order to extract the part of induced current, the primary voltage must be removed from the measurement signal. We use a differential alignment coil to compensate the primary field. The differential alignment sensor could have better effect on the sensitivity. A scanning platform is used to drive the sensor, which extracts the conductivity signal to be calculated and to be reconstructed.
In the experiment, three performance indexes are adopted including sensitivity, noise, spatial resolution, to evaluate the proposed coil, and to measure surface impedance of biologic tissues and metals. The experimental result not only shows the high performance of proposed system but also provides the feasibility of applying differential alignment coil in biologic tissue impedance measurement. Hopefully, these improvements can help the contactless impedance measurement be applied in various fields practically.
關鍵字(中) ★ 正交主磁場補償差動感應線圈
★ 生物組織阻抗
★ 非接觸阻抗量測
關鍵字(英) ★ Biologic Tissue Impedance Measurement
★ Contactless Impedance Measurement
★ Differential Alignment Coil
論文目次 目 錄
目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 非接觸式阻抗量測介紹 1
1.1 目的及原理 1
1.2 歷史背景 1
1.3 非接觸式感測器的演進與種類 2
1.4 論文組織 3
第二章 生物組織量測原理 5
2.1 生物組織電學特性 5
2.1.1 電解液導電特性 5
2.1.2 組織的阻抗特性 6
2.1.3 細胞等效電路 7
2.2 影響組織阻抗的因素 9
2.2.1 溫度與組織阻抗的關係 9
2.2.2 頻率與組織阻抗的關係 9
2.3 渦電流原理 10
2.3.1 渦電流基本理論 11
2.3.2 渦電流特性 11
第三章 主磁場補償感測器 13
3.1 感測器原理及問題 13
3.2 理論背景 14
3.3 主磁場補償技術 15
3.3.1 同軸差動線圈 15
3.3.2 正交感應線圈 16
3.3.3 主磁場補償差動感應線圈 17
3.4 感測器校正系統 17
第四章 系統架構 20
4.1 感測系統 20
4.1.1 功率放大器 21
4.1.2 儀表放大器 23
4.2 掃描系統 25
4.2.1 掃描平台 25
4.2.2 步進馬達 26
4.2.3 步進馬達驅動電路 27
4.3 訊號處理系統 29
4.3.1 鎖頻放大器 30
4.3.2 二階主動式低通濾波器 32
4.3.3 相位移電路 33
4.4 人機介面 34
4.4.1 介面軟體LabVIEW及資料擷取卡介紹 34
4.4.2 量測介面 36
第五章 實驗結果與討論 40
5.1 感測器靈敏度實驗 40
5.2 訊號雜訊與漂移實驗 46
5.3 空間解析度實驗 47
5.4 實際掃描量測 53
5.4.1 金屬量測實驗 53
5.4.2 假體量測實驗 54
5.4.3 生物組織量測實驗 56
5.5 實驗結果討論 58
第六章 結論及未來展望 60
6.1 結論 60
6.2 未來展望 60
參考文獻 62
論文著作 66
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指導教授 鍾鴻源(Hung-Yuan Chung) 審核日期 2006-7-13
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