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姓名 曾禹復(Yu-Fu Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 動物同伴平台之任務機制設計:以任務委託促進學生學習目標設定
(Quest Mechanism Design for Animal Companion Platform: Facilitating Students’ Goal Setting by Quest Committing)
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摘要(中) 資訊與多媒體技術的進步,帶動數位遊戲的蓬勃發展,隨著愈來愈多學者投入數位遊戲應用於學習方面的相關研究,數位遊戲己不再只是單純的娛樂工具,數位遊戲式學習能提供高互動與多媒體效果以提高學習動機。先前有學者以動物同伴(animal companion)為數位遊戲式學習平台,將學習者對於寵物情感因素轉化為自身學習動機,雖然研究指出動物同伴能有效提升學習動機,但其學習模式缺乏明確的學習目標,學習者無法確切地以達成特定學習目標而努力,進而影響學習表現。
因此,本研究以動物同伴平台為基礎,加入任務機制,並且以目標設定理論作為設計依據。任務(quest)是角色扮演遊戲(role playing game)中重要的元素,它提供玩家明確遊戲目標以驅動玩家持續地培養角色、探索遊戲世界及投入遊戲的動機重要來源。作者分析遊戲任務的特性,發現任務與目標設定理論有許多相似之處。目標設定理論(goal-setting theory)藉由設立明確目標,引導學習者直接朝目標努力,不浪費時間在與目標不相關的事物上,進而提高學習成效。系統包含了NPC、劇情、任務獎勵、學習回饋等四項機制,希望藉由任務輔助學習者設立明確學習目標,並引導持續努力付出以達到學習目標。
摘要(英) Information and multimedia technologies drove the rapid development of video game. As more and more scholars engage in the research field of video game, it is not just an entertainment tool any more now. “Digital game-based leaning” can provide high-interactive and multimedia effects to enhance the learning motivation. Some previous scholars design the “Animal Companion” as digital game-based leaning platform. Animal companion transforms learner’s emotion into leaning motivation. Although the result of this study pointed out that the Animal companion can enhance learners’ motivation for learning, but animal companion can’t provide learners with specific learning goal in the learning process. Learners can’t work hard for achieving the exact goal and decreased learning performance.
This study is based on animal companion platform, and further designed the quest mechanism of animal companion according to goal-setting theory. Quest plays an important role of “Role-playing game”, and provides players with source of motive for cultivating character, adventuring and engaging in the game world. Author analyzed the properties of quest, and found that the concept of the quest is similar to “Goal-setting theory”. Goal-setting theory leads learners to work hard for achieving goal directly, and not waste time on things which do not related to the goal. Quest system is composed of four mechanisms include NPC, script, reward and feedback. We hope that quest mechanism of animal companion can help learners set specific learning goal and foster learners’ continuous work for achieving the goal.
In order to examine the effect of quest mechanism of animal companion, an experiment was conducted among two third-grade pupil classes (class A is totally 25 pupils and class B is totally 28 pupils). Therefore, two different versions of animal companion systems were used during the experiment; one used quest mechanism and the other didn’t use quest mechanism. Two classes used the two versions of system both in different orders. Researchers used survey, observation and system log to record the responses and feedbacks of pupils when they used animal companion system to learn. The result showed that the quest mechanism can provided pupils with specific learning goal and feedback better, and furthermore it can led pupils to work hard for achieving the goal.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動物同伴
★ 目標設定理論
★ 數位遊戲式學習平台
關鍵字(英) ★ Digital game-based learning platform
★ Goal-setting theory
★ Animal companion
論文目次 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究動機與目的
第三節 論文架構
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 動物同伴
第二節 目標設定理論
第三節 相關研究
第三章 任務機制設計
第一節 任務機制與動物同伴平台
第二節 任務機制設計
第三節 任務結構設計
第四節 任務流程
第五節 任務編輯系統之設計
第四章 系統實作
第一節 系統環境
第二節 系統功能模組
第五章 實驗設計與結果
第一節 實驗目的
第二節 研究方法
第三節 實驗工具
第四節 資料收集與分析
第五節 實驗結果與說明
第六章 結論與未來展望
第一節 結果與討論
第二節 未來展望
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-wai Chan) 審核日期 2009-7-19
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