摘要(英) |
The objective of this study is to verify a correlation between training and work performance. Work performance was measured using the following three factors: (1) Monthly average FYP (First Year Premium); (2)Insurance contracts sold per month; and (3)Last quarter’s sales achievement rate cash value of contracts sold
The subjects of this study were approximately 200 agents randomly selected from a branch office of a life insurance company located in Chung-li, Northern Taiwan. The statistic methods we used are Chi square and frequency distribution.
According to our study, the final conclusions are listed below:
1. For those older, long service or higher positions of agents in the company, their financial results were mostly better than the younger and short service agents’ work performance with lower positions. However, when the ages of the agents were higher than 50, then their work performance became worse than before.
2. The financial results for the agents with long working hours (more than 6 hours per day) were much better than the others with short working hours.
4. The financial results were mostly better for the agents reporting a high satisfaction rate for the company’s training program, than the agents reporting low satisfaction rates. |
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