摘要(英) |
The present study aimed to investigate employees’ perceived importance of and satisfaction with various benefits provided by the target organization. The main purpose was to find out the optimal benefit items for the organization, and hopefully this stock-taking exercise would bring about the maximum efficacy for the organization’s benefit policy.
We found that:
1.There were discrepancies between employees’ perceived importance of and satisfaction with various benefits provided.
2.There were differences in employees’ perceived importance of various benefits provided, among people of different sexes, age cohorts, marital statuses, seniority, managerial positions, and people with or without children.
3.There were differences in employees’ satisfaction with various benefits provided, among people of different age cohorts, seniority, managerial positions, functional departments, and people with or without children.
Basing upon the analyses combining employees’ perceived importance of and satisfaction with various benefits provided, we identified four categories of benefits: need-supply balanced group, over-supplied group, under-supplied group, and resource wasted group. Hopefully, these results would serve to re-direct the policy planning. |
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