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姓名 宋志勇(Chih-Yung Sung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 人力資源管理措施對大陸台商外派人員組織承諾及離職傾向影響之研究
(The Influences Research of Human Resource Practices on Taiwanese Expatriate to China Employee’s Organization Commitment and Leave job intention)
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摘要(中) 本研究主要是探討台資企業對外派大陸人員所採行之人力資源管理措施,諸如薪酬福利、訓練發展、工作特性及回任管理等措施,對外派人員之離職傾向與組織承諾是否有所影響,其主要目的為:
本次研究對象主要為台資企業派駐中國大陸之台灣籍員工,採用網路及紙本之問卷調查方式,透過研究者過往的工作經歷及人資界之協助,於研究期間發出250份問卷,最終回收136份,並經過濾後取得120份有效樣本,問卷回收整理後藉由SPSS 15.0統計軟體進行T檢定、相關係數分析及階層迴歸等統計分析後,主要發現如下:
摘要(英) This research mainly explores the influence of Human Resources Management measures exp. Compensation & Benefits, Training & Development, Job Characteristic, and repatriation arrangement on resignation tendency and organization commitment from expatriates who assigned to Mainland China in Taiwan funded companies. There are four purposes of this study, which are:
(1).explore the positive influence of each Human Resources Management measure on resignation tendency and organization commitment;
(2).seek for positive influence of Human Resources Management measures on resignation tendency and organization commitment;
(3).explore which Human Resources Management measures may improve organization commitment and reduce resignation tendency;
(4).understand the influence of population variable on resignation tendency and organization commitment.
The object of this research is mainly focus on Taiwan employees who expatriated to Mainland China in Taiwan funded companies. The survey questionnaire was sent to people who worked in past or personal relationship in Human Resources field by paper and internet. The author sent out total 250 questionnaires, 136 completed questionnaires were returned, and 120 valid questionnaires were useable in this study. After statistical analysis by T examination, correlation coefficient analysis and social stratum through SPSS 15.0 software, the following are key findings as below:
(1).The measure of “Compensation & Benefits” is most important influence on organization commitment. And, the measure of “Job Characteristic” is most important influence on resignation tendency, which is employee potential encourage score. Both of these two measures are significant in statistic. The measure of “Repatriation” is no influence on either organization commitment or resignation tendency;
(2).The measure of “Compensation & Benefits”, “Training & Development” and “Job Characteristic” are positive influence on organization commitment from expats, which are significant in statistic. It means that more mature arrangements for these three measures, the higher organization commitment from expats;
(3).The measure of “Training & Development” and “Job Characteristic” are negative influence on resignation tendency from expats, which are significant in statistic. It means the more mature arrangement for “Training & Development” or the higher “Job Characteristic” given, the lower resignation tendency from expats;
(4).Based to population variable, female has higher organization commitment than male, old age is higher than young age, non-management level is higher than management level, and seniority is higher than juniority. Female has higher resignation tendency than male, young age is higher than old age, and juniority is higher than seniority.
Keywords: Compensation, Training & Development, Job Characteristic, Repatriate management, Organization commitment, intent to leave.
關鍵字(中) ★ 薪酬福利
★ 訓練發展
★ 工作特性
★ 回任管理
★ 組織承諾
★ 離職傾向
關鍵字(英) ★ intent to leave.
★ Organization commitment
★ Repatriate management
★ Job Characteristic
★ Training &
★  Development
★ Compensation
論文目次 中文摘要------------------------------------------------ i
英文摘要----------------------------------------------- ii
誌 謝----------------------------------------------- iv
目 錄----------------------------------------------- v
圖 目 錄------------------------------------------------vii
表 目 錄-----------------------------------------------viii
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究動機---------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的---------------------------------------- 3
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------- 4
第一節 派外薪酬福利制度-------------------------------- 4
第二節 訓練發展----------------------------------------14
第三節 工作激勵性--------------------------------------18
第四節 回任管理----------------------------------------24
第五節 組織承諾----------------------------------------28
第六節 離職傾向----------------------------------------34
第三章 研究架構與研究方法----------------------------- 38
第一節 研究架構與假設----------------------------------38
第二節 研究假設----------------------------------------39
第三節 研究變數之衡量工具------------------------------40
第四節 研究方法----------------------------------------44
第五節 研究對象與問卷回收------------------------------46
第四章 研究結果--------------------------------------- 47
第一節 構面基本特性分析--------------------------------47
第二節 信度與平均值分析--------------------------------49
第三節 相關分析----------------------------------------51
第四節 變異數分析--------------------------------------53
第五節 多元迴歸分析------------------------------------58
第六節 研究結果----------------------------------------64
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------- 66
第一節 研究結論----------------------------------------66
第二節 管理意涵與建議----------------------------------69
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議--------------------------73
附 錄---------------------------------------------- 83
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指導教授 黃同圳(Tung-Chun Huang) 審核日期 2009-6-15
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