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姓名 吳豐全(Feng-Chuan Wu )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 多載量AGV的控制方法
★ 佈置變更專案工程的執行研究 -以H公司研發單位為例★ MIL-STD-1916、MIL-STD-105E與結合製程能力指標之抽樣檢驗計畫
★ 建構客戶導向的製造品質資訊系統--以某筆記型電腦專業代工廠商為例★ GMP藥廠設施佈置規劃的探討--以E公司為研究對象
★ 應用Fuzzy c-Means演算法之物流中心位址決策模式研究★ 品質資訊系統之規劃與建構 -- 以某光碟製造公司為研究對象
★ 從製程特性的觀點探討生產過程中SPC管制圖監控運用的適切性 -- 以Wafer Level 封裝公司為例★ 六標準差之應用個案研究-以光學薄膜包裝流程改善為例
★ 利用六標準差管理提昇中小企業之製程品質-以錦絲線添加防銹蠟改善為例★ 專業半導體測試廠MES 系統導入狀況、成果及問題之探討-以A 公司為例
★ 以RFID技術為基礎進行安全管理導入-以A公司為例★ 如何提昇產品品質及降低成本—以光碟壓片廠A公司為例
★ ERP導入專案個案分析—以半導體封裝廠A公司為例★ 石英元件製造業之延遲策略應用— 以T公司為研究對象
★ 十二吋晶圓廠自動化搬運系統規劃與導入—以A公司為例★ 半導體封裝產業之生產革新改善活動-A半導體股份有限公司導入經驗探討-
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摘要(英) In this thesis, an intelligent distributed control strategy for vehicle dispatching and control will be proposed for a manufacturing system with multiple-load Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), Just-In-Time (JIT) production, and flexible processing and routing capability. For years, companies have been looking for ways to help them be more productive and flexible. JIT production systems and the usage of automated material handling systems are some of them. Furthermore, the rapid progress of manufacturing and control methodology allows many engineers to improve the processing and/or routing flexibility of their manufacturing systems. Small batch-size production is one of the requirements for the implementation of a JIT production system. This requirement can generate a greater demand for material handling. As a result, the success of a JIT system relies much on the efficiency of its material handling system. Many automated material handling systems have been implemented in factories. Among them, AGVs have been considered by many as the most flexible ones due to their routing flexibility. For systems with flexible processing and routing capability, their material handling tasks are even more complicated. It is thus no surprise that AGVs are the chosen material handling system in our system here. It has been proved that multiple-load AGVs have many advantages over the single-load AGVs, although their vehicle problems are significantly more difficult than those of single-load ones. By now, it is easy for us to realize that the problem we have here is much more difficult than those found in the literature. In order to achieve the JIT production goal, the activation of dispatching vehicles to pick up a product in the proposed method is based on the current process of the product. Furthermore, the problem on determining which vehicle should pick up which job is investigated. A bidding-based distributed control strategy with reasoning and learning capability will be proposed. The bidding-based distributed control strategy is used since it can meet the multiple-criterion nature of the problem and allows one to have control over the way that the bidding procedure is conducted. Other problems, such as the route plan of each vehicle, the determination of bit values, and the job selection at each workstation, etc. will also be considered at this stage. Finally, a simulation model will be constructed to test and verify the methodology we developed in this thesis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 及時生產系統
★  投標
★  派車法則
★  無人搬運車
★  系統模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ Bidding
★  Dispatching
★  JIT
★  Multiple-load AGV
★  Simulation
論文目次 Chapter I Introduction.....................................1
1.1 Background.............................................1
1.2 Research Objective.....................................1
1.3 Thesis Organization....................................2
Chapter II Literature Review...............................3
Chapter III Methodology....................................5
3.1 Problem Environment....................................5
3.2 Solution Structure.....................................6
3.3 Part I.................................................8
3.3.1 Collection Module....................................8
3.3.2 LAT (Latest Arrival Time) Determination Module.......9
3.4 Part II ...............................................15
3.4.1 Bid-Matching (BM) Module.............................16
3.4.2 Bid-Collection Expiration Time (BCET) Module.........18
3.4.3 Vehicle-To-Part Bid Determination (VTPBD) Module.....19
3.4.4 Part-To-Vehicle Bid Determination (PTVBD) Module.....20
Chapter IV Experimental Design and Analysis................21
4.1 Experiment Environment and Assumptions.................21
4.2 Simulation Experiments.................................25
Chapter V Conclusion.......................................32
5.1 Conclusions............................................32
5.2 Recommendations for Future Study ......................33
Appendix A: Experimental Result............................35
Appendix B: SPSS 10.0 Test Result..........................41
Appendix C: Arena 4.0 Logic................................44
Appendix D: VBA Source code................................46
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指導教授 何應欽(Ying-Chin Ho) 審核日期 2001-7-11
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