摘要(英) |
Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been known to deal with decision support problems while Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) takes into account a firm’s execution problems. Traditionally these two types of problems are handled in two separate systems. This research, at our best knowledge is the first one to perform preliminary analysis on a prototype which integrates both systems together. This research analyzes a supply chain module, Supply Network Planning (SNP), and an ERP module, Sales and Distribution (SD), compares the Master Data of these two systems and analyzes the communication of them.
Starting by discussing the Master Data of SD module and SNP module, we analyze two SNP decision models and two SD business transactions in UML to understand the static data and dynamic process of these two systems. Following this, we analyze and summarize the data transfer atomic operations between SD Master Data and SNP Master Data. We exploit the transformation types of Master Data used by these two systems and categorize the data transfer group. Each group represents various atomic operation required. At last, we study the interactions of SD and SNP modules in terms of data transfer types.
In this research, we use Use Case Diagram to define the system boundary, Activity Diagram to explore interaction behaviors between SD and SNP, Sequence Diagram and Class Diagram to present the objects and messages among them. Via UML, we discover 9 data transformation atomic operations, 9 data transformation groups and count the related frequency between SD and SNP. At last we provide a tentative suggestion to improve the data transformation. |
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郭志弘, “以物件導向分析與設計供應鏈管理系統之研究,” 民88 |