摘要(英) |
Six-Sigma management is the processes which make use of data and statistics analysis to discriminate and solve problems. However the tool of its adoption in choosing to use is need to be adjusted then would match an actual usage. Some tools are sciences methods to disallow adjustment, but some judgment bases can do adjustment according to the effective demands. The origin studies a method and will choose to use and adjust suitable tool according to the standard process according to the need.
Defining the stage divides into three parts, 1.Individual case reason, 2.The voice of customer, 3.Key quality characteristic. The point lies in becoming key quality characteristic through the orotund conversion of customer, and the quantity change into can the specification data of measurement.
The measurement stage divides into two parts, 1. Evaluate measurement system, 2. Confirm current manufacturing process ability. Evaluating the measurement system uses two methods, 1. -The R analyzes a method, 2. The variation number analyzes a method. The ability of confirming the manufacturing process adopts the related index sign of the manufacturing process ability.
Be divided into two parts at the analytical stage, 1. The establishment improves a target, 2. Find out variation source.1. The establishment improves a target, is through whole creation product in bad rate’’s highest problem is used as an improved target, mainly is make use of Plato.2.Find out variation source, is make use of characteristic important cause diagram and lose efficacy mode and effect analytical.
Be divided into two parts at the analytical stage, l. Find out the enactment condition of key minority, 2.Identify an improvement project. Finding out the enactment condition of key minority is mainly a usage to test a design method.2.Identify an improvement project, mainly do an identification by the Plato, index sign and expired mode of the manufacturing process ability and the effect analysis.
The method which improves the experiment design of the stage usage finds out important factor, |
參考文獻 |
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