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姓名 張瑞景(Jui-Ching Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 供應鏈集中規劃對企業營運之影響-以i-Hub支援之延展式供應鏈為環境
(Influence of Supply Chain Centralized Planning to Business in i-Hub Supported Extended Supply Chain.)
★ 應用MFM 與PPM 監控協同設計之執行流程★ 應用DSM與DRFT於汽車電子之協同開發流程
★ 一協同設計專案團隊組成方法- 以安全監視器產品為例★ 應用認知工程開發全球化光纖通訊系統
★ 羽絨產業策略規劃-應用品質機能展開分析法★ 重電業協同專案管理績效之研究-以變電所統包工程為例
★ 以屬性導向新產品開發之流程塑模與分析– 以醫療器材產業為案例★ 以品質機能展開法應用於主管管理職能之建構
★ 應用參考模型以及流程建模改善供應鏈績效-以投影機產業為例★ 協同產品開發之流程管理 - 以汽車零件為例
★ 配電系統之高壓電纜接頭供應商評選★ 應用品質機能展開於產品開發之流程分析-以刀鋒式伺服器為例
★ 實施精實六標準差改進製程良率-以機頂盒表面黏著技術為例★ 太陽能模組產業之決策營運研究
★ 新產品開發階段導入替代料之流程建模及潛在風險分析★ 應用實驗設計研發PET複合膜及改善厚膜翹曲問題
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摘要(中) 在環境變動日益劇烈的現今,市場上的競爭已從單純的企業與企業間提昇到供應鏈與供應鏈之間的競爭,因此供應鍊成員的協同合作將是非常重要的課題。隨著資訊科技及網際網路的發展,企業可以打破供應鏈成員之間的籓籬而形成延展示供應鍊. i-Hub及其驅動的供應鏈集中規劃將成為此環境下,供應鏈成員間協同合作的新平台。本研究即在探討於此i-Hub及其供應鏈集中規劃對企業營運之影響。
再以i-Hub由其內部之功能: “collaborative master planning”, “collaborative master planning”, “control/alert system” 及 “data warehouse & learning system”所驅動之集中規劃為基礎來探討其對企業內部規劃及供應鏈成員間關係所受到之影響。
本研究以協同合作模式來描述供應鏈成員間及與i-Hub之互動,分別使用 “主持i-Hub的角色” 及 “選擇供應鍊成員的方式”做為區分協同合作模式的構面。在對企業內部規劃的影響方面,對中期的demand planning 及 master planning是以抽離為主,對短期且偏執行層面的規劃活動則受到i-Hub的即時監控。本研究為以
摘要(英) In order to gain the sustained competitive advantage in this more and more dynamic business environment, collaboration between supply chain members is critical to success. With the development of internet, the business boundaries between supply chain members could be broken and form the extended supply chain. i-Hub, the driver of centralized planning scenario, will be critical mechanism to enable the new collaboration environment. And how do i-Hub and its centralized planning function influence business is our focus.
In this thesis, we first review the relative literatures about extended supply chain, collaboration, virtual enterprise and inter-organizational relationships. Next, we propose the supply chain and extended supply chain ontology to clarify the relationships among entities in the supply chain network. After that, the infrastructure of i-Hub is identified. Based on these fundamental concept developments, we can dig into the influence of i-Hub to business. We take two perspectives to check these influence made by i-Hub. First is the influence happening among supply chain members, we propose the “collaboration mode” to identify these relationships driven by i-Hub. Second, the influence happening within business planning activities, we divide the internal planning activities into several modules and find that there are two influences, “extraction” and “control/monitor”, to different planning activities respectively.
This research could be the fundamental basis for researches which take the i-Hub, centralized planning, and extended supply chain as assumption and environment. And this thesis also sketches the contours of various further research topics.
關鍵字(中) ★ 協同合作
★ i-Hub
★ 延展式供應鏈
★ 協同合作模式
★ 集中規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ collaboration mode
★ i-Hub
★ Collaboration
★ Extended supply chain
★ centralized planning
論文目次 Abstract I
List of Figures IV
List of Tables V
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background Description 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 5
1.3 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter Two Literature Review 8
2.1 The Extended Supply Chain 8
2.2 Collaboration 11
2.2.1 The definition of collaboration 11
2.2.2 Comparison between collaboration, cooperation and coordination 13
2.2.3 The classification of supply chain collaboration 18
2.3 Virtual Enterprise & Inter-Organizational Relationships 23
2.3.1 The concept of virtual enterprise 23
2.3.2 Tightly forms of inter-organizational relationships 26
2.3.3 Loosely forms of inter-organizational relationships 30
Chapter Three i-Hub Infrastructure and Centralized Planning 35
3.1 Supply Chain Ontology 35
3.2 Extended Supply Chain Ontology 41
3.3 i-Hub Infrastructure and Centralized Planning 44
Chapter Four Influence of i-Hub Scenario to Business 50
4.1 Collaboration Modes 50
4.2 Identify Collaboration Modes by the Ownerships 51
4.2.1 E-Market mode 52
4.2.2 E-Buyer mode 53
4.2.3 E-Seller mode 53
4.3 Identify Collaboration Mode by Type of Orders 54
4.4 Influence to Business’s Internal Planning Activities 56
4.4.1 Demand planning 56
4.4.2 Master planning 61
4.4.3 Short-term planning activities 64
Chapter Five Conclusion 65
5.1 Conclusion 65
5.2 Recommendation and Future Works 66
Reference 68
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指導教授 高信培(Hsing-Pei Kao) 審核日期 2003-7-7
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