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姓名 周春英(Chun-Ying Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
(Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy:A Business Initiative)
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討六標準差突破性策略(Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy)乃為企業的管理議題,而非只是一個品質活動議題。首先,我們完整的介紹什麼是Mikel Harry所倡導的六標準差突破性策略 (Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy)及其主要精神。其次,我們依據 Mikel Harry 所提的主要精神,檢視主題相呼應的的文獻,並進而延申出六標準差突破性策略在企業活動中有關的管理理論,管理概念或管理活動。最後並以汽車業界推動六標準差數年的實際作法驗證先前提出的有關的管理理論,管理概念或管理活動是如何和組織的運行連結。證明六標準差突破性策略(Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy) 的確應被定位並融入在企業管理的議題中。 也唯有如此六標準差活動的推動才能對組織帶來最大化的效益。
要提醒的地方是,知道什麼是六標準差突破性策略 (Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy)及它在組織管理議題,活動上的結合是重要但仍不足的,唯有確實不扭曲的執行過程,六標準差突破性策略才有可能在組織中生根並融入企業的DNA,為組織帶來突破性的提升並與時俱進。
摘要(英) This study researches into Six Sigma as a business initiative (the Breakthrough Strategy) rather than a quality initiative. A complete literature review has been conducted to summarize the findings at individual perspective described in Harry [2000], and a comprehensive extension has been completed to show Six Sigma implication in managerial activities. A deployment practice in an automobile company after its six-year roll-out is utilized to demonstrate the ideas of breakthrough strategy and integrating Six Sigma with managerial activities of the company is achievable via Six Sigma program.
For some debatable points identified in literature review, the comments are shared to broaden the view. For certain failure factors concluded in Six-Sigma deployment in previous studies, the recommendations are offered in attempt to give more insight to them. It’s hoped through this study, the executives can see the full benefits that Six Sigma can bring to an organization and if decide to implement the Six Sigma the commitment and necessary resource must be in place. Finally, further research areas are suggested to make the most value of academic researches.
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字(英) ★ Six Sigma
★ Process Management
★ Strategy
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and background: 1
1.2 Problem description 1
1.3 Research objectives: 2
1.4 Research methodology and framework 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Definitions of Six Sigma 5
2.2 Breakthrough Strategy (BTS) overview 7
2.3 People power 16
2.4 Process power 20
2.5 Features of Six Sigma as a strategy 25
2.6 Success, failure factors while implementing Six Sigma 28
Chapter 3 Managing Theory Implication of Six Sigma Implementation 34
3.1 Customer satisfaction and customer focus 34
3.2 In search of excellence 35
3.3 Leadership 35
3.4 Vision 36
3.5 Goal theory 37
3.6 Metrics,Performance measures, and balance score card 38
3.7 Benchmark 43
3.8 Competitive strategy and organizational competences 44
3.9 Change management and culture change 46
3.10 Continuous improvement 47
3.11 TQM 47
3.12 Lean and Kaizen 48
3.13 Statistics 48
3.14 Process focused, BPR and BPM 49
3.15 Innovation and process innovation 50
3.16 Integration, interaction and synergy 51
3.17 Project management 52
3.18 Human resources practices 53
3.19 Learning and learning organization 59
3.20 Knowledge management 60
Chapter 4 Case Study and Experience Sharing 62
4.1 Managerial terms and activities 63
4.2 Deployment practices 70
4.3 Comments on the Literature reviewed 78
4.4 Findings 79
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Further Research 81
5.1 Conclusions 82
5.2 Limitations 82
5.3 Further research 82
References 83
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指導教授 沈國基(Gwo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2007-1-26
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