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姓名 陳舜翔(Shun-Hsiang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 光電產業中游供應商存貨改善研究-以LED為例
(The improvement of inventory for the photoelectric supply-chain of the middle industry - an instance of LEDindustry)
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摘要(中) 近年來光電科技不斷的創新發展,使照明材料LED新材料應用供應產業愈明朗更加篷勃發展,傳統照明(火把、臘蠋、鎢絲燈泡、日光燈…)高耗能源且效率差,始自全球倡導節省能源政策下,低耗能源LED照明應用愈來愈廣泛。此LED發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode;LED)是一種化合物半導體,由於是自體發光,用手觸摸不會感覺熱,壽命可達10萬小時以上,具有低驅動電壓、高壽命、安全和省電特性。做為各種電子產品的光源與顯示,如LED 看板、電話背光源、第三煞車燈⋯等。
這類問題就以LED中游產業而言,處居中段生產供應,市場訊息不足材料受原料商牽制,但仍努力以不缺貨為原則,備料無計劃性、有不正常存貨等問題,往往大量存貨庫存結果,連帶造成資金積壓與持有成本增高,而缺貨問題仍然頻頻發生,使得LED下游客戶困擾不已,因此本研究致力於存貨管理決策的探討,並提出一套適合存貨的機制,以解決存貨增加所造成資金成本增加之問題,以期減少缺貨發生,當持有存貨低於再訂購點時,則求算並發出該期之經濟訂購量EOQ(Economic order Quantity),其值必須滿足LED製造商所指定的最低採購量及其採購單位再訂購點與安全存量,保持服務水準,提升企業形象競爭力及營運績效。
摘要(英) Photoelectric science and technology has been constantly developing in recent years has led to the new lighting material and LED material. LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a kind of chemical compound semi-conductor. It’s life-span can be up to 100,000 hours. It can be used as a variety of electronic products, such as LED signboards, billboards, telephone backlight source, car lights, etc.
Therefore Y Company occupies the middle position., In order to supply the electrode material of LED lead wire, so Y Company must maintain a high inventory level to avoid being out of stock,. This topic considers that the mid-section of LED production information is insufficient; the material supply is limited, So it is difficult to form an inventory plan. Therefore, this thesis proposes a suitable inventory mechanism by using actual company data and creating an inventory forecast model. When the inventory is less than the economic order point (EOQ), it generates a requisite signal to supply the re-order amount and the required timing. In addition, Y Company’’s operational costs, material costs, ordering costs, stock costs, and holding costs are calculated. Then, the former cost is compared to the calculation result by using of the model. It shows the model is efficient significantly for increase of inventory.
關鍵字(中) ★ 經濟訂購量
★ 發光二極體
關鍵字(英) ★ Economic order Quantity
★ Light Emitting Diode
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論-1
第二章 文獻回顧與探討-17
第三章 應用模型建構方法-29
第四章 數值分析-38
第五章 結論與未來發展方向-59
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指導教授 陳振明(Jen-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2006-11-27
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