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姓名 賴誼靜(Yi-Ching Lai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班 論文名稱 供應商管理存貨(VMI)機制下產銷協同關係之研究-以個人電腦產業為例
(The study of VMI and CPFR in personal computer supply chain)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 個人電腦產業是一個產品生命週期短、替換速度快的產業,要如何透過有效的供應鏈運作以便快速的接觸市場搶得先機,快速回應成為此供應商上下游最重要的課題。
本研究採探討性個案研究方法,選取電腦供應鏈上下游三家個案公司做深度訪談及分析,再根據訪談的結果,分析整理後歸納入賽局償付矩陣現象之中。最後,以研究發現給予上游供應商建議在短期內降低存貨,長期則讓供應鏈中的合作夥伴,由不合作轉為合作以共同取得利益。摘要(英) The characteristics of personal computer industry are short product life cycle and replace speed rapidly, the most important topic is to fast contact market snatches by effective supply chain operation such as quick response.
The international companies control the profit by their own brand name, brand image and channel…etc. to make themselves as dominator in supply chain, on the other hand, Taiwan OEM/ ODM manufacturers are all in the up stream as their partners in this supply chain. In order to fulfill the demand and keep high service level to those international companies, to implement VMI and CPFR are the useful methods to achieve the goal.
However, the international companies’ forecasting behavior is characterized by frequency and volatility. The suppliers can only adjust the manufacturing schedule or keep the stock to meet the change of demand forecast; it caused the low stock turnover rate and high hub management expense. The suppliers only can find a correspond strategy to reduce the lost caused by unreliable forecast, nevertheless, the customers will penalize suppliers by providing low service level, together with the action of the supplier and customer creates a “tit-for-tat” strategy.
This study based on choosing three companies in the supply chain of personal computer industry by case study. According to the result of case study, we generalize the situation and analyze the result in the pay-off matrix. Finally, we investigate the suggestions to the suppliers to reduce the stock for the short term solution and try to improve the partnership in this supply chain to get the profit from non-cooperate to cooperate for the long term solution.關鍵字(中) ★ 協調預測
★ 供應商管理存貨
★ 規劃及補貨
★ 償付矩陣關鍵字(英) ★ CPFR
★ Pay-off matrix
★ VMI論文目次 中文摘要 .............................................i
英文摘要 ............................................ii
誌謝 ...........................................iii
目錄 ............................................iv
圖目錄 ............................................vi
表目錄 ............................................vii
第一章 緒論..........................................1
1-1 研究背景及動機................................1
1-2 研究目的......................................6
1-3 研究範圍與基本假設 ............................7
1-4 研究流程及論文架構 ............................8
第二章 相關文獻探討..................................10
2-1 供應鏈之協調預測、規劃及補貨(CPFR)............10
2-2 供應商管理存貨 (Vendor Managed Inventory).....14
2-3 賽局理論 (Game theory)........................16
第三章 研究方法與研究對象............................19
3-1 研究方法......................................19
3-2 研究對象......................................20
3-3 訪談調查工作..................................22
3-4 賽局償付矩陣之現象探討........................22
3-5 個案內容與架構................................24
第四章 個案分析......................................25
4-1 電腦產業供應鏈介紹............................25
4-2 個案公司簡介及研究............................27
4-2-1 個案A公司.....................................27
4-2-2 個案B公司 .....................................30
4-2-3 個案L公司 .....................................35
4-3 個案彙整及分析................................39
第五章 結論與建議....................................42
5-1 歸納分析與研究發現............................42
5-2 給個案公司的建議..............................44
附錄...................................................50參考文獻 中文部份:
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