摘要(英) |
The enterprise of the whole world, each other interaction of is increasing constantly with speed, business function, each business unit, and each business with mutual connection. The enterprise is concentrating on the related information system, which constructs each other, making more useful information with the unprecedented speed.
According to respond an internationalization competition, the enterprise has to have link nations of common turn information system, enterprise implement ERP system is an inevitable trend.
Therefore, the purpose of this research has the following:
1. Know the ERP system’’s key factor of the enterprise implement by this research.
2. By this research know the ERP system implement behind the stage work is influenced by the performance situation that will be subjected to previous stage.
3. Know difficulty and barrier that the ERP system implement may face by this research, and it how overcome to respond of method.
4. By studying a result, IC assembly and test enterprise at implement ERP system may face in the stage of challenge and processing the way provide for make reference to.
This research through join ERP project in person, through the analysis of the individual case; This research provided an actual individual case, resolve to provide a physically viable method to give the actual situation field the reference to various problem, hope the enterprise can help a successful enterprise resource of the enterprise implementing a information system. |
參考文獻 |
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