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姓名 葉旻明(Min-Ming Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 石英元件製造業之延遲策略應用— 以T公司為研究對象
★ 佈置變更專案工程的執行研究 -以H公司研發單位為例★ MIL-STD-1916、MIL-STD-105E與結合製程能力指標之抽樣檢驗計畫
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★ 應用Fuzzy c-Means演算法之物流中心位址決策模式研究★ 品質資訊系統之規劃與建構 -- 以某光碟製造公司為研究對象
★ 從製程特性的觀點探討生產過程中SPC管制圖監控運用的適切性 -- 以Wafer Level 封裝公司為例★ 六標準差之應用個案研究-以光學薄膜包裝流程改善為例
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★ ERP導入專案個案分析—以半導體封裝廠A公司為例★ 十二吋晶圓廠自動化搬運系統規劃與導入—以A公司為例
★ 半導體封裝產業之生產革新改善活動-A半導體股份有限公司導入經驗探討-★ 外包商評選模式之研究 -以TFT LCD中小尺寸面板產業為例
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摘要(中) 在現今全球化市場中,各產業在供應鏈之供需間瞬息萬變的情況下,使得提供快速、低成本且優質的產品與服務,是企業提升競爭優勢必備條件。在過去,當企業面對下游之市場之需求不確定時,最普遍的作法,便是利用歷史銷售紀錄及產業相關趨勢﹑資訊來預測未來可能之銷售量,再運用「預測性生產」的方式來進行產品之製造及配送,如此可使企業享有製造與配送之規模經濟,並縮短顧客等待時間,在需求產生時可立即供應產品。
因此本研究則針對石英元件製造業為解決因產品多樣化所造成之高存貨水準、低顧客服務水準、產品需求預測困難與供應鏈系統效率不佳等各種問題,應用「延遲策略(postponement strategy)」提出藉由產品規格、製造流程等重新設計規劃,將不同產品間的差異點延遲,待顧客訂單確認後才完成最後差異化的作業;及藉由存貨之集中控管,至需求確定後,再進行最後之配送流程。
摘要(英) At the globalization of global market and under the rapid changes of supply chain at various industries, it is necessary for enterprise to enhance the competition capability by supplying products and services with responsiveness, low cost and excellent quality. Previously when enterprise faced the uncertainty of needs at market, the general approach to predict the future demand is applying historical sales data and related industrial trends & information. Further making use of “predictive manufacturing” to produce and distribute products, the enterprise can enjoy its economies of scale and reduce waiting time for customers by immediately supply upon receiving requests.
However for the time being, facing the leap of product species resulted from mass customization, the enterprise suffers from higher manufacturing cost due to increasing complexity and low efficiency at supply chain due to product multiplicity and management difficulty. It is also affected in two ways. Firstly the supply exceeds the demand that result in high amount of inventory, stocking cost, and even risk of phasing out. The other is the cost of product shortage due to undersupply and the inferior customer service due to the prolonged waiting time for the customers.
This study is therefore to solve the problems at crystal industry of high inventory level, low customer satisfaction, request prediction difficulty, and low efficiency at supply chain, etc. that due to product diversification of crystal components. The “Postponement Strategy” is applied, through planning redesign of product specifications and manufacturing process, to the delay of differences between products until the acknowledgement of customer orders, then completes the final differentiating operation. And the ultimate distribution process is fulfilled by centralized inventory control and request confirmation.
The improvement achievements to the research subject through the postponement strategy are:
Under the uncertainty of demand, the WIP is built up properly. It effectively solve the problem of demand prediction difficulty and enhance the flexibility of supply chain, cost effectiveness, and customer service satisfaction.
By product grouping and adequate inventory control, the lead time of product development can be shortened.
By product standardization and modulization, the inventory items can be reduced by 26% and volume by 28%. The inventory management and risk of obsolete and slow-moving inventories can be improved.
關鍵字(中) ★ 供應鏈
★ 需求不確定
★ 大量客製化
★ 延遲策略
★ 群組化標準化
★ 模組化
關鍵字(英) ★ Modulization
★ Standardization
★ Group
★ Postponement Strategy
★ Mass Customization
★ Supply Chain
★ Demand Uncertainty
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 錄 v
表 目 錄 viii
圖 目 錄 ix
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究範圍及限制 6
1.5 論文架構與研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 供應鏈管理 9
2.2 物流策略 9
2.2.1 物流策略的概念 9
2.2.2 物流策略的種類 11
2.2.3 物流策略的內涵 11
2.2.4 制定物流策略的方法 12
2.2.5 物流策略的特定議題 12
2.3 延遲理論的定義、類型 13
2.3.1 延遲的定義 13
2.3.2 延遲的類型 14
2.3.3 延遲策略之數學規劃模式 22
2.4 通訊產業介紹 28
第三章 個案分析 32
3.1 個案公司背景介紹 32
3.2 個案內容敘述 34
3.2.1 產業之發展趨勢 34
3.2.2 個案公司面臨之問題 35
3.3 個案分析與衡量 36
3.3.1 T公司生產流程分析 36
3.3.2 應用延遲策略對於T公司之影響 36
第四章 研究方法 40
4.1 石英元件產品分類 40
4.2 石英元件製程設計 40
4.2.1 石英元件產品設計 40
4.2.2 石英元件製程限制 41
4.3 研究分析與改善方法﹑成果 42
4.3.1 資料蒐集 42
4.3.2 現況分析 44
4.3.3 真因分析 47
4.3.4 改善方法 48
4.3.5 改善成果 51
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 個案公司建議 55
5.3 未來研究建議 55
參考文獻 56
英文部分: 56
中文部分: 59
參考文獻 英文部分:
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指導教授 何應欽(Ying-Chin Ho) 審核日期 2008-1-14
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