摘要(英) |
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses the network system to control and track the flow of the Industrial Waste, and uses GPS (Global Positioning System) to track the route of each vehicle. But not all of the vehicles are equipped with GPS.
Currently, companies are manually entering data for the EPA network report system. It is very easy to enter fake data and have mistakes occur with manual data entry into the reporting system. The network system focuses on tracking the time and location of industrial waste. The system only records the vehicle’s route but not the waste. The waste information is recorded on a form by the company producing the waste. Therefore, illegal dumping occurs quite often because the actual waste is not tracked or recorded on the system.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one of the most important technologies in the 21st century and it is good with object identifying and tracking. Using RFID for industrial waste can track and monitor the waste from beginning to end of the process. By using the RFID system, it should help to prevent illegal dumping of industrial waste.
This study is using one of the supply chain concepts with RFID. RFID can track flow and save accurate data in real-time. The RFID tag is small, reusable, not easily duplicated, and can save massive amounts of data. The tag also withstands adverse environmental conditions. These RFID characteristics are feasible to apply to industrial waste management.
The goal of this study is divided into three parts which include, "Tracing" "Flow Simplification" and "Paperless". This research uses literature review and analyzes the correlation between RFID and industrial waste management. By using multiple-case studies and analysis proved that RFID can achieve the goal. The expectation of RFID technology may promote the tracking of industrial waste and help to reduce illegal dumping events. This technology will help the environment. |
參考文獻 |
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