摘要(英) |
TFT-LCD has emerged fast in recent years, a lot of TFT-LCD panel factories develop to the large size one after another, from 32”, 37”, 42”to 50”, and even in 60”,100”, the eliminating old of and panel factory changes newly more and more fast, and then one section of factory LCM of model’’s groups also takes a fancy to this pancake, a lot of new panel mould group’’s factories have been established on the market, so far panel factory of TFT-LCD, begin, use manpower more mould group factory divide and put out to contract also, absorb in making technology Cheng one’’s own.
Besides, because invention of smart mobile phone and digital picture frame, from originally 1.5” traditional mobile phones of basic function to taking pictures and smart mobile phones, more and more commercial personages hold a smart mobile phone on his hand, it is convenient to keep a record of events and have navigation functions.
And several phase frame, from traditional auto-camera, digital camera, to digital camera frame, it can keep the longer photo as to this invention. It can be done at any time that consumers want to view the photos many years ago, or the photograph shot newly.
Because of two new applications, TFT-LCD with older generation 3.5 factory made the transition and produced the medium and small size panel. It compressed the living space of STN-LCD indirectly, then STN-LCD should make great efforts to try every possible means to reduce the production cost as to this STN-LCD. The only way is imitated TFT-LCD, remove back of production section with the intensive-labor to low-salary country.
Because medium and small field of a lot of TFT-LCD steps into, some states have happened on N company while receiving orders, the executive of N Company feel that if it should imitate TFT-LCD, outsourcing the production section with the intensive-labor. But what kind of outsourcing model can use? And be all production could used the way of outsourcing? This thesis is discussing the suitable outsourcing model for the characteristics of STN-LCD production, make it can attain a yet higher goal in running. |
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