博碩士論文 93322048 詳細資訊

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姓名 蕭宗璿(Tsung-Hsuan Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 不飽和土壤濕化水分特性曲線 影響因子之研究
(A study of factors for unsaturated soil wetting water characteristics curves )
★ 電弧爐氧化碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之成效研究★ 路基土壤回彈模數試驗系統量測不確定度與永久變形行為探討
★ 工業廢棄物再利用於營建工程粒料策略之研究★ 以鹼活化技術資源化電弧爐煉鋼還原碴之研究
★ 低放處置場工程障壁之溶出失鈣及劣化敏感度分析★ 以知識本體技術與探勘方法探討台北都會區道路工程與管理系統之研究
★ 電弧爐煉鋼爐碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之研究★ 三維有限元素應用於柔性鋪面之非線性分析
★ 放射性廢料處置場緩衝材料之力學性質★ 放射性廢料深層處置場填封用薄漿之流變性與耐久性研究
★ 路基土壤受反覆載重作用之累積永久變形研究★ 還原碴取代部份水泥之研究
★ 路基土壤反覆載重下之回彈與塑性行為及模式建構★ 重載交通荷重對路面損壞分析模式之建立
★ 鹼活化電弧爐還原碴之水化反應特性★ 電弧爐氧化碴為混凝土骨材之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 土壤吸力是不飽和土壤研究中最重要的關注焦點,不同的土壤其
計之變異性較低;(2) 路基土壤不同夯實能量下的吸力變化,以高夯
摘要(英) Soil suction always draws the most attention in the study of
unsaturated soil. Because of the difference of water content, soils’
suctions differ from each other, and most of the soils in the nature are all
in the state of unsaturation. In Taiwan, the subgrade soil used in the
roadway constructions gets influenced easily once the season changes.
Soil is often in the state between dryness and saturation, for the study of
subgrade soil appears to be more critical. With the knowledge of soil
suction, we can understand how groundwater penetrates into the buffer,
and this helps to improve the performance of the disposal site.
The present study commenced on the measurement of the water
wetting characteristics curves of two kinds of subgrade soils, lateritic soil
and mudstone soil, and two kinds of buffers, bentonite and Zhisin clay.
The results of the experiments indicated that (1)in the measurement of
soil suction by filter paper method and thermocouple psychrometer, filter
paper method gauged a much wider range, on the other hand,
thermocouple psychrometer had the lower variance; (2)as for the
subgrade soil suction changes under different compaction energy, soil
with high compaction energy had greater soil suction than the one with
low compaction energy, and the wetting curve of subgrade soil under high
compaction energy appeared to be steeper and also got saturated earlier
than under low compaction energy; (3)comparing the soil-water
characteristics curves at various density levels, it was discovered that the
suction of Black Hill bentonite was greater than Zhisin clay; which
implicated that Black Hill bentonite had a better water holding capacity
than Zhisin clay; (4)by using the soil-water characteristics curves, the
relationships between soil suction and water content were established
through regression formula, and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivityof
the soil can be determined; (5)under the escalation of temperature, the
decrease of water surface tension caused the reduction of soil suction and
made the penetration of water into the buffer more difficult.
關鍵字(中) ★ 吸力計
★ 濾紙法
★ 膨潤土
★ 土壤吸力
關鍵字(英) ★ Soil suction
★ buffer material
★ filter paper method
★ thermocouple psychrometer
論文目次 第一章 緒論...........................1
1.1 研究動機與目的....................1
1.2 研究內容..........................2
1.3 研究架構及流程....................3
第二章 文獻回顧.......................6
2.1 不飽和土壤的組成..................6
2.2 不飽和土壤吸力理論................9
2.3 基質吸力.........................13
2.4 土壤 - 水分特性曲線.............17
2.5 非飽和滲透係數之機制與原理.......24
2.6 遲滯現像.........................27
2.7 影響吸力的土壤物理性質...........29
2.8 溫度對土壤水分及土壤吸力之影響...31
2.9 緩衝材的概念與功能...............34
第三章 試驗材料與研究方法............36
3.1 試驗材料.........................37
3.1.1 路基土壤.......................37
3.1.2 緩衝材.........................38
3.1.3 緩衝材基本物理性質.............41
3.2 試體製作.........................43
3.2.1 路基土壤.......................43
3.2.2 緩衝材.........................44
3.3 土壤吸力量測方法.................45
3.3.1 濾紙法.........................45
3.3.2 土壤吸力計.....................55
3.4 路基土壤濕化與吸力關係試驗.......65
3.4.1 試驗設計.......................65
3.4.2 試驗設備.......................67
3.5 日興土及美國膨潤土之 土壤-水分特性曲線................70
3.5.1 試驗設計.......................71
3.5.2 試驗設備.......................73
3.6 不同溫度下土壤-水分曲線.........74
第四章 試驗結果與分析................76
4.1 濾紙法校正結果...................76
4.2 吸力計校正結果...................79
4.3 路基土壤濕化試驗.................83
4.4 緩衝材土壤-水分曲線試驗.........92
4.5 溫度對吸力的影響................111
4.6 以土壤-水分特性曲線推估不飽和土壤滲透係數...................113
第五章 結論與建議...................122
5.1 結論............................122
5.2 建議............................124
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指導教授 黃偉慶(Wei-Hsing Huang) 審核日期 2006-7-11
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