摘要(英) |
In a high-level radioactive waste deposal site, the decay heat produced from the wastes will cause the near field temperature to increase. And then the repository is subjected to groundwater intrusion. The present study adopted Zhisin clay and Wyoming Black Hills (BH) bentonite as potential buffer material. The theme work focused on the swelling property and evolution of micro-structure while these two bentonites were under the deep geologic repository.
Using the transmission electronic microscope (TEM) to observe the bentonite which was heated and reached the swelling amount; moreover processing to fingerprint the essential frame as the purpose of this research. And further; we adopt X-RAY powder diffraction analysis to identify the composition of the clay mineral.
The results indicated: (1) the free swelling of both Zhisin clay and BH bentonite decreased as the heating duration increased, and the decrease in swelling is low for BH bentonite and much higher for Zhisin clay, with a total reduction of 50-60 percent as Zhisin clay has been heated at 100℃ for 6 months; (2) the development in swelling pressure for Zhisin clay and BH bentonite is similar and the swelling pressure for the 2 clays declined after heating, and again, the decrease in swelling pressure was also more pronounced for Zhisin clay; (3) the hydraulic conductivity of Zhisin clay increased after heated of the bentonite for a period of 6 months; (4) X-ray diffraction results showed that the clay mineral of Zhisin clay was found to be most rich in illite and ranged around 50-60 percent, and the secondary clay mineral was Chlorite having about 20 percent; the content of montmorillonite was found to be less than 10 percent; (5) using the image analysis techniques, the porosity of bentonite was determined from specimens taken before and after swelling. The porosity increased slightly (2-3 percent) after the heating procedure. |
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