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姓名 詹珮芸(Pei-Yun Chan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 迴流工作具最小與最大時間延滯限制之平行機台排程問題
(Parallel Machine Scheduling with Minimal and Maximal Time Lags for Reentrant Job)
★ 以類神經網路探討晶圓測試良率預測與重測指標值之建立★ 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
★ 限制驅導式在製罐產業生產管理之應用研究★ 應用倒傳遞類神經網路於TFT-LCD G4.5代Cell廠不良問題與解決方法之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究主旨為探討一平行機台排程問題,其作業具迴流特性,且迴流時間需滿足最大與最小時間延滯之限制;其機台具可用時間與合適度限制,目標為使總完工時間最小化。每個作業可重複於同一機台加工多次,但兩次重複加工之間隔時間受到時間延滯(Time Lags)的限制。每個機台只有某些時間區段可以被安排處理工作,每個工作也只能被安排在某些特定的機器上。
(1)提出一個分枝界限演算法搜尋可行的作業與機台指派組合,利用機台合適度限制進行分枝,發展定界法則提昇演算效率,並將指派結果以分離圖(Disjunctive Graph)表示;(2)利用先前研究提出的分枝定界法(沈國基與廖祿文,2007)求解(1)所得結果之排程解,即分別求解m個單機台排程問題,並以最後完工的作業作為總完工時間。
摘要(英) In this paper we study the problem of scheduling recirculation jobs on identical parallel machines with eligibility and availability restrictions when minimizing the makespan. Namely, each job may visit a machine more than once and is only allowed to be processed on specific machines; each machine is not always available for processing. Besides, minimal and maximal time lag constraints on the starting time of each reentrant job are also considered.
We develop two branch and bound algorithms to solve the scheduling problem optimally. One is to deal with the jobs allocation problem with machine eligibility, and the other is to schedule the sequence on each allocated machine with minimal and maximal time lags constraints. We introduce a dummy job to denote each machine unavailable interval, and propose the first branch and bound algorithm which uses the
depth first strategy to allocate jobs. We transform the scheduling problem corresponding to each leaf node into m single machine problems, which can be represented by a disjunctive graph. Finally, we use the second branch and bound algorithm adopted from Sheen and Lao (2007) for obtaining the optimal solution for each single machine problem to find the maximum makespan.
Computational analysis shows that the eliminating rules proposed is effective and can eliminate more than 80% node when the total operation number is larger than 5 with eighty percent in generating machine availability by the branch and bound algorithm. Our algorithm can get the optimal solution for the problem with up to 10 operations and 3 machines.
關鍵字(中) ★ 平行機台
★ 分枝界限法
★ 排程
★ 合適度限制
★ 迴流
★ 時間延滯限制
★ 可用時間限制
關鍵字(英) ★ Parallel machine
★ Branch and bound
★ Reentrant
★ Scheduling
★ Minimal and maximal time lags
★ Availability constraint
★ Eligibility constraint
論文目次 摘要................................................................................................................................i
致謝.............................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Content ..........................................................................................................iv
List of Figures..............................................................................................................vi
List of Tables...............................................................................................................vii
Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................1
1.1 Background and Motivation ............................................................................1
1.2 Problem Description ........................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objectives.........................................................................................4
1.4 Research Methodology and Frame Work.........................................................4
1.4.1 Research Methodology .........................................................................4
1.4.2 Research Framework ............................................................................5
Chapter 2 Literature Review ......................................................................................7
2.1 Machine Availability Constraint ......................................................................7
2.2 Machine Eligibility Constraint.........................................................................8
2.3 Minimum and Maximum Time Lags ...............................................................9
2.4 Re-entrant Scheduling....................................................................................10
Chapter 3 Branch and Bound Algorithm ................................................................12
3.1 Notations ........................................................................................................12
3.2 Transform ansform P , NC M , recrcCmax m win j into max P M , recrcC m j ...................14
3.3 Branching and Bound Algorithm for the Problem max P M , recrcC m j .........16
3.3.1 Branching Scheme ..............................................................................16
3.3.2 Disjunctive Graph ...............................................................................18
3.3.3 Bounding Scheme ...............................................................................21
3.4 Branching and Bound Algorithm for the Problem max 1recrcC with Minimal
and Maximal Time Lags Constraints ...........................................................24
3.4.1 Propositions ........................................................................................25
3.4.2 Adjustment of Starting Time Intervals, Release Times and Tail Values
3.4.3 Bounding Scheme ...............................................................................29
3.4.4 Branching............................................................................................29
3.4.5 Feasible Schedule................................................................................31
3.5 Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Problem max P M , recrcC m j with
Minimum and Maximum Time Lags ...........................................................31
Chapter 4 Computational Analysis ..........................................................................35
4.1 Test Problem Generation................................................................................35
4.2 Validation of the Branch and Bound Algorithm ............................................36
4.3 Evaluation of the Branch and Bound Algorithm............................................37
Chapter 5 Conclusion .............................................................................................43
5.1 Research Conclusion and Contribution .........................................................43
5.2 Research Limitation.......................................................................................44
5.3 Further Research ............................................................................................44
Appendix. Branch and bound algorithm for the one-machine scheduling problem
with minimum and maximum time lags ..................................................................49
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指導教授 沈國基(Gwo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2007-7-23
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