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姓名 蔡蟬伊(Celia, Chan-Yi Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 三篇ERP與CRM系統整合成功之研究
(Three Essays on the Successful Integration of the ERP and CRM systems)
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摘要(中) 三篇ERP與CRM系統整合成功之研究
本論文主在研究ERP與CRM兩系統整合之關鍵成功因素。全文由三篇研究構成。第一篇研究名為 “The Integration of ERP and CRM: An Exploratory Study on Critical Success Factors”,已於2003年企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會中發表。 此篇主要在定義對CRM與ERP整合專案之成功與否,具重大影響的因素。文中先探討與兩系統整合之關鍵成功因素(CSF)相關的文獻與研究,之後由於文獻的缺乏,因此與此領域的多位專家做進一步的深度訪談。該篇最後整理出一組CSF及相關的研究模型,並對EERP的理論與實務有重大意義。
發表於第四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會中的第二篇文章,名為 “Successful integration of ERP and CRM: Evidences from four cases”。該研究以個案研究的方式進行,主要在驗証第一篇研究中各CSF的重要性。本研究選取四個個案公司,與其專案經理深度訪談,以進一步確認這些關鍵成功因素。研究結果發現,注重所有關鍵成功因素的公司,其整合ERP與CRM系統的績效較好,缺乏投注心力在部份關鍵成功因素的公司,其整合ERP與CRM系統的績效較差
第三篇文章名為 “A Quantitative Analysis of Successful Integration of ERP and CRM Systems”,主要以量化的方式進一步確認各CSF與ERP/CRM整合成效間之關係。 問卷主要由第二篇的研究而來,共有32家份有效問卷,主要為電子業的公司。本文以線性迴歸來驗証研究假設,研究顯示其中有六個因素與理論架構相互呼應。
摘要(英) Three Essays on the Successful Integration of the ERP and CRM Systems
This dissertation investigated the critical success factors of the integration of two information systems, namely the ERP and CRM systems. Three essays are included in the investigation. The first essay is “The Integration of ERP and CRM: An Exploratory Study on Critical Success Factors”, which has been presented at the Conference on ERP Research and Practices 2003. This essay seeks to define a set of CSF that had greatest impact on the success of integrating CRM and ERP. The development of a set of CSF for the integration of these two systems began with literature reviews on related papers. Only a dozen of descriptive articles were identified. Under this circumstance, face-to-face interviews with key experts on this subject were carried out in Taiwan. A purification of the resultant set of CSF was followed, and a CSF research model was consolidated. The final findings have significant implications for both EERP management theories and practices.
Presented at the Fourth Conference of E-Enterprise Management Theory and Practices 2003, the second essay, titled as “Successful integration of ERP and CRM: Evidences from four cases”, validated the importance of the CSFs identified in the first essay by case studies. Four firms were selected for examining the notions of these CSFs and the project leaders of these firms were in depth interviewed. The evidences showed that the firms with success in all of the CSFs enjoyed the highest integration performance; the firms fallen short with some of the CSFs made lower integration performance.
The third essay, titled as “A Quantitative Analysis of Successful Integration of ERP and CRM Systems”, attempted to confirm the relationship between CSFs and ERP/CRM integration through quantitative method. The questionnaire from the second essay was deployed to collect required information. There were thirty two returns in questionnaires, mainly from the electronics sector. The hypotheses were, then, tested using linear regression. The evidences showed that six CSFs confirmed the theoretical background. Top management support is imperative to ERP/CRM integration. In addition to that, user’s appreciation and user’s training also made sense in the case of ERP/CRM integration. Moreover, “project objectives and performance, effective communication and qualified project team were essential during the planning stage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 顧客關係管理系統
★ 關鍵成功因素
★ 企業資源規劃系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
★ Extended ERP (EERP)
★ Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
★ Critical Success Factor (CSF)
三篇ERP與CRM系統整合成功之研究 1
Three Essays on the Successful Integration of the ERP and CRM Systems 1
Acknowledgement IV
Main Context
Essay One:
The Integration of ERP and CRM: An Exploratory Study on Critical Success Factors 1
Abstract 1
1. Introduction 3
2. A Review on ERP/CRM 4
3. ERP/CRM Integration 5
4. An Analysis Model on the CSF of the Integration 7
5. Conclusion and Future Research 11
6. References 12
Essay Two:
Successful Integration of ERP and CRM: Evidences from Four Cases 15
Abstract 15
1. Introduction 16
2. A Review on the CSFs of ERP/CRM Integration 17
3. Successful ERP/CRM Integration 20
4. Research Methodology 21
5. Research Results 23
6. Conclusion 29
7. References 30
Essay Three:
A Quantitative Analysis of the Successful Integration of the ERP and CRM Systems 33
Abstract 33
1. Introduction 33
2. The Rationales and Hypotheses of the CSFs 34
3. Successful ERP/CRM Integration 39
4. Measurement and data collection 40
5. Data Analysis and Research Results 41
6. Conclusion 43
7. References 45
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指導教授 鄭明松(Julian M. S. Cheng) 審核日期 2003-7-4
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