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姓名 黃韻竹(Yun-Chu Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 利用線上遊戲歷程紀錄探討影響玩家成癮程度之因素
(Utilization of Online Game Log for Investigating Factors Affecting Players' Degree of Addiction)
★ 從生態共生觀點發展組織合作模式★ 影響產業垂直分工因素之探討
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摘要(中) 線上遊戲廠商的價值決定於玩家對遊戲的持續消費。關於玩家對遊戲的持續消費行為,本研究從心理學上所謂成癮行為的角度切入,並從線上遊戲的歷程紀錄中擷取資料,進行統計分析與探討,研究目的為提供線上遊戲經營廠商衡量玩家成癮程度的模型,作為瞭解玩家成癮行為的途徑;另外,並針對研究結果進行詮釋與論證,嘗試提出改善的建議,以作為廠商調整目前經營策略的依據,或者作為未來開發自製遊戲時,在遊戲參數設計上的參考。本研究對成癮程度的探討內容以及使用之研究方法敘述如下:
摘要(英) Players’ continuous consuming determines the value of online game firms. Concerning to players’ continuous consuming, this study starts from the point of view of addictive behavior derived from Psychology and gets data from online game’s log. By statistical analysis, this study wants to provide online game firms a model to measure players’ degree of addiction. Besides, base on statistical results, this study addresses interpretations and explanatory comments, and attempts to provide online game firms suggestions to improve their strategy of administration and design features of games. Contents and research methods of this study are listed as follows:
First, analyzing online game players’ degree of addiction. In this section, this study measures online game players’ degree of addiction and discusses factors that affect the degree. Research methods here are Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Tobit Regression Model.
Second, analyzing online game players’ number of participation. In this section, this study discusses factors that affect players’ number of logins. Research method here is Negative Binomial Regression Model.
Third, analyzing online game players’ survival duration. In this section, this study discusses factors that affect players’ hazard rate of withdrawal and the extent of the effect. Research method here is Proportional Hazard Model of Event History Analysis (EHA).
After measuring online game players’ degree of addiction (represented as efficiency), this study speculates a regression equation between level and efficiency by utilizing Pearson correlation analysis. Players’ degree of addiction is affected by level of education, channel of knowing the online game’s website, and whether the playing role joins in the army group. Among these factors, if one’s playing role joins in the army group, he or she will have higher degree of addiction.
In the section of analyzing online game players’ number of participation, factors that have significant effect on it are level of education, occupation, the way connecting to the online game most often, level of the playing role, and the amounts of money the playing role owns. Among these factors, if one’s playing role has higher level, he or she will participate more in the online game.
Finally, in the section of analyzing online game players’ survival duration, factors that have significant effect on it are level of the playing role, whether the playing role joins in the army group, the amount of money the playing role owns, and the efficiency. Among these factors, if one’s playing role has higher level or joins in the army group, the hazard rate of quitting the online game will be lower. On the contrary, if one’s playing role owns too much amounts of money or one’s degree of addiction is too high, the hazard rate of quitting the online game will be higher. In addition to results stated above, this study also estimates the online game’s life cycle.
關鍵字(中) ★ 成癮行為
★ 歷程紀錄
★ 線上遊戲
★ 資料包絡分析法
★ 事件歷史分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Log
★ Addictive Behavior
★ Online Game
論文目次 [目錄]
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的2
第三節 論文組織3
第二章 文獻探討4
第一節 線上遊戲4
第二節 成癮行為8
第三章 研究方法15
第一節 研究架構15
第二節 研究變數16
第三節 研究命題19
第四節 資料來源21
第五節 分析工具22
第四章 研究結果30
第一節 基本敘述性分析30
第二節 線上遊戲玩家之成癮程度分析43
第三節 線上遊戲玩家之參與次數分析49
第四節 線上遊戲玩家之存活時間分析50
第五節 本章小結52
第五章 結論與建議53
第一節 結論與建議53
第二節 研究限制與檢討58
附錄一 等級換算標準64
附錄二 Tobit迴歸模型分析結果65
附錄三 負二項迴歸模型分析結果67
附錄四 比例危險函數模型分析結果69
圖3-1 研究架構16
圖4-1 滯留期間與角色等級之散佈圖38
圖4-2 遊戲總時數與角色等級之散佈圖39
圖4-3 登入總次數與角色等級之散佈圖40
圖4-4 被扣點數總和與角色等級之散佈圖41
圖4-5 角色擁有錢幣總數與角色等級之散佈圖42
圖4-6 成癮程度(效率值)之次數分配圖45
圖4-7 角色等級與成癮程度之相關分析散佈圖與迴歸線47
圖4-8 存活率函數圖51
表2-1 網路成癮者之三項特徵(Egger與Rauterberg,1996)11
表2-2 網際網路成癮失序症之判斷準則(Goldberg,1996)12
表2-3 網路成癮者之四項特徵(Novak與Hoffman,1997)13
表2-4 網路成癮之八項標準(Young,1997)13
表2-5 Young的網路成癮中心提供之成癮檢測量表14
表2-6 電玩成癮之八項準則(Griffiths,1997)14
表3-1 玩家特性操作型定義17
表3-2 玩家遊戲表現操作型定義17
表3-3 類別變數之類別項目編碼與虛擬變數18
表4-1 研究變數之敘述性統計值30
表4-2 「性別」之次數分配及百分比統計31
表4-3 「教育程度」之次數分配及百分比統計31
表4-4 「職業」之次數分配及百分比統計31
表4-5 「最常使用之連線方式」之次數分配及百分比統計32
表4-6 「得知遊戲網站之管道」之次數分配及百分比統計32
表4-7 「滯留期間」之次數分配及百分比統計33
表4-8 「遊戲總時數」之次數分配及百分比統計33
表4-9 「登入總次數」之次數分配及百分比統計34
表4-10 「角色等級」之次數分配及百分比統計34
表4-11 「被扣點數總和」之次數分配及百分比統計35
表4-12 「角色擁有錢幣總數」之次數分配及百分比統計35
表4-13 「角色是否加入軍團」之次數分配及百分比統計36
表4-14 玩家特性與玩家遊戲表現之關聯表37
表4-15 投入變數與產出變數之相關係數矩陣43
表4-16 投入變數與產出變數之乘數分析43
表4-17 成癮程度(效率值)之敘述性統計值44
表4-18 成癮程度(效率值)之次數分配與百分比統計44
表4-19 成癮程度排名及標竿值46
表4-20 顯著影響成癮程度(效率值)之變數48
表4-21 顯著影響登入總次數之變數49
表4-22 顯著影響存活時間之變數50
表4-23 各研究命題之檢定結果52
表5-1 結論與建議彙整57
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指導教授 張東生(Dong-Shang Chang) 審核日期 2004-7-8
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