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姓名 陳妙珍(Miawjane Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 私下募集債券之短期與長期財富移轉效果之研究
(Short-run and Long-run Performance in and following Private Debt Placements)
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 國內綜合證券商轉投資海外子公司內部控制實務探討
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★ 購併活動與資訊揭露—以公開收購為例★ 臺灣證券期貨市場後台作業整合模式之研究
★ 道瓊指數、日經225指數、美國及日本10年期公債利率與日圓匯率之相互關係★ 銀行投資公債業務之探討分析
★ 所得稅法新制對債券流通市場之影響★ 私募基金入主國內銀行之認購價格實證研究-以凱雷入主大眾銀行為例
★ 虛擬銀行之可行性分析 -以HSBC為例★ 台灣中小企業融資、客群經營模式與經營策略問題之探討-以C銀行為例
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摘要(中) 私下募集債券之短期與長期財富移轉效果之研究
摘要(英) Short-run and Long-run Performance in and following Private Debt Placements
Essay 1: Wealth changes in private debt placements-announcers versus rivals
This study empirically estimates the effect on shareholder wealth when firms announced private debt placements of different types of security, straight debt and convertible debt. We find that private straight debt placement announcement lead to small but significantly negative stock price responses for both the announcing and rival firms, suggesting that the information-signaling effects dominate the competitive effects. However, no significant intra-industry effect on rival firms is observed for announcements of private convertible debt placement. Announcements of private straight debt placement have heterogeneous intra-industry effects. These results hold after other variables are controlled which could explain the intra-industry effects of private straight debt placements. Specifically, the negative effect is significantly larger for lower leveraged rival firms and rival firms where the returns of the announcing and rival firms are highly correlated.
Essay 2: Long-run stock price and operating performance following private debt placements
This study empirically examine the long-run stock-price and operating performance for firms offering straight and convertible debt through private placements. We find that, both of the firms that offering private straight debt placements or convertible debt placements do not show consistent evidence of long-run abnormal returns under the buy-and-hold abnormal return method, the Fama and French three-factor model or the Carhart four-factor model. Secondly, we find that the straight debt issuer performs significantly better than its industry counterpart does throughout the pre- and post-offer periods, for all the performance measures of IBER/sales, IBER/assets, IBER/equity, CE+RD/assets and M/B. However, we do not find evidence to support that a firm times their security issues during periods of relatively high operating performance and that the performance levels decline after issuing. A possible reason could be the special characteristics of private placement. Finally, we find that the private convertible debt issuer performs significantly worse than its industry counterpart in some of the pre- to post-intervals. In addition, we also find that firms do not experience any significant increase in operating performance prior to and after the offering of private convertible debt. The reason why sophisticated and institutional investors loan money to a company that does not perform better than its rivals. We have found that the sophisticated and institutional investors are overoptimistic about a firm’s growth prospects at the time of private convertible debt placement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 私下募集債券
★ 競爭者
★ 購買並持有法
★ 三因子模型
★ 四因子模型
關鍵字(英) ★ buy-and-hold abnormal return method
★ private placement debt
★ rivals
★ Carhard four-factor model
★ Fama and French three-factor model
論文目次 Contents
Abstract I
Contents IV
List of Tables VI
1 Introduction .............................................................1
2 Wealth Changes in Private Debt Placements-Announcers versus Rivals
2.1 Introduction ......................................................7
2.2 Theoretical and testable hypotheses...............................11
2.2.1 General Information Transfer Hypothesis.....................11
2.2.2 Intra-industry Information Transfer Hypothesis..............12 Information-signaling Hypothesis....................12 Competitive hypothesis..............................16
2.3 Sample Characteristics and Methodology.............................20
2.3.1 Sample characteristics.......................................20
2.3.2 Methodology..................................................21 Methodology for Calculating Abnormal Returns.........21 Methodology for Earning Forecast Revision............22
2.4 Empirical Results..................................................24
2.4.1 Announcing Firm Test Results for the Private Placement
of Convertible Debt and Straight Debt........................24
2.4.2 Interpretation of the CAR in the Private Placement of
Convertible debt and Straight Debt...........................25 Debt Rating and Private Placement of Convertible
Debt and Straight Debt...............................25 Earning Forecast Revisions and the Private Placement
of Convertible Debt and Straight Debt................27
2.4.3 Rival Firm Test Results for the Private Placement of
Convertible and Straight Debt................................29
2.4.4 A Comparison with Szewczyk’s Study (1992)...................31
2.4.5 Abnormal returns for each industry...........................32
2.4.6 Cross-sectional regression analysis of rival stock price
2.5 Conclusions........................................................38
3 Long-run Stock Price and Operating Performance following Private Debt Placements
3.1 Introduction......................................................56
3.2 Data and research methodology.....................................59
3.2.1 Data and sample selection...................................59
3.2.2 Research methodologies......................................61 Buy-and-hold abnormal return method.................61 Calendar time abnormal return method................64
3.3 Post announcement long-run abnormal returns.......................66
3.3.1 Buy-and-hold abnormal returns...............................66
3.3.2 Calendar-time abnormal returns..............................68 Fama and French three-factor model..................69 Carhart four-factor model...........................70
3.4 Operating performance.............................................71
3.4.1 Results of operating performance............................72
3.5 Conclusions.......................................................76
4. Conclusions............................................................93
List of Tables
2.1 Sample distribution of private debt placements.........................45
2.2 Abnormal returns of private debt placements for announcing firms.......46
2.3 Abnormal returns for private placements of debt grouped by debt rating
and debt rating adjustments............................................47
2.4 Average and cumulative adjusted forecast revisions of current-year
earnings per share and five-year earning growth rates for the months
surrounding the private debt placements................................48
2.5 Abnormal returns of private placements for announcing firms' rivals....49
2.6 Ab normal returns for the announcing and rival firms from Chen et al.
and Szewczyk...........................................................50
2.7 Abnormal returns of private convertible debt placements for each industry
in the sample..........................................................51
2.8 Abnormal returns of private straight debt placements for each industry
in the sample..........................................................52
2.9 Descriptive statistics for industry portfolio explanatory variables to
be used in the multivariate regression analysis for private straight
debt placement.........................................................54
2.10 Cross-sectional regression analysis of factors affecting the
announcement-period CARs of rivals in response to private debt
3.1 Sample distribution of private placements of debt......................80
3.2 Long-run buy-and-hold abnormal returns for firms announcing the
private placement of straight debt.....................................81
3.3 Long-run buy-and-hold abnormal returns for firms announcing the
private placement of convertible debt..................................82
3.4 Long-run abnormal returns following private placements of straight debt
using the Fama-French calendar-time portfolio regressions..............83
3.5 Long-run abnormal returns following private placements of convertible
debt using the Fama-French calendar-time portfolio regressions.........84
3.6 Long-run abnormal returns following private placements of straight debt
using the Carhart four-factor model....................................85
3.7 Long-run abnormal returns following private placements of convertible
debt using the Carhart four-factor model...............................86
3.8 Operating performance before and after private placements of straigh
3.9 Operating performance before and after private placements of convertible
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指導教授 周冠男、陳聖賢
(Robin K. Chou、Sheng-Syan Chen)
審核日期 2004-5-5
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