參考文獻 |
一、 中文部分
1. 丁克華,「採行兩稅合一所得稅制有關抵繳之配合措施」,財稅研究第十六卷第二期,頁47-54。
2. 吳月琴,「兩稅合一所得稅制下未分配盈餘可稅問題」,財稅研究第十六卷第二期,頁55-56。
3. 巫心鑫,蔡松棋,「兩稅合一解析經典」,民國八十六年十一月。
4. 林隆昌,「租稅獎勵與兩稅合一」,民國八十六年五月。
5. 張志揚,兩稅合一制度之採行對我國中小企業理財策略之影響,私立淡江大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國八十六年六月。
6. 張智能,新加坡兩稅合一制之研究及對我國之建議,國立台灣大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國八十五年六月。
7. 張錦娥,所得稅對資本結構及股利政策影響之研究,私立東吳大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國八十二年六月。
8. 莊榮琳,「兩稅合一所得稅制股票股利問題之探討」,財稅研究第十六卷第二期,頁57-60。
9. 許嘉棟,「兩稅合一所得稅制影響之一般均衡動態模擬分析」,經濟論文第十七卷第二期,頁1-51。
10. 單騰笙,兩稅合一制在內生化成長模型中之探討,私立淡江大學財務金融學系碩士論文,民國八十六年六月。
11. 經濟革新委員會財稅組,「採行兩稅合一制所得稅可行性之研究」,稅務旬刊第1212期,頁5-16。
二、 國外部分
1. Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), 1984, Corporate Income Taxes in the Reagan Years. Washington, DC: Citizens for Tax Justice.
1. Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), 1984, Corporate Income Taxes in the Reagan Years. Washington, DC: Citizens for Tax Justice.
3. Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), 1986, 130 Reasons Why We Need Tax Reform. Washington DC: Citizens for Tax Justice.
4. Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), 1988, The Corporate Tax Comeback. Washington DC: Citizens for Tax Justice.
5. Dhaliwal, D., R. Trezevant, and S. Wang, 1992, “Taxes, Investment-related Tax Shields and Capital Structure,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association 14(1), 1-21.
6. Gupta, S. and K. Newberry, 1992, “Determinants of the Variability in Corporate Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from Longitudinal Data,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 1-34.
6. Gupta, S. and K. Newberry, 1992, “Determinants of the Variability in Corporate Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from Longitudinal Data,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 1-34.
8. Porcano, T., 1986, “Corporate Tax Rate: Progressive, Proportional, or Regressive,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association/Spring 7(2), 17-31.
9. Shevlin, T. and S. Porter, 1992, “The Corporate Tax Comeback in 1987: Some Further Evidence,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association/Spring 14(1),58-79.
9. Shevlin, T. and S. Porter, 1992, “The Corporate Tax Comeback in 1987: Some Further Evidence,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association/Spring 14(1),58-79.
11. Wang, S., 1991, “The Relation between Firm Size and Effective Tax Rates: A Test of Firms’ Political Success,” The Accounting Review66(1), January, 158-169.
12. Wilkie, P., 1988, “Corporate Average Effective Tax Rates and Inferences about Relative Tax Preferences,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association/Fall 10(1), 75-88.
12. Wilkie, P., 1988, “Corporate Average Effective Tax Rates and Inferences about Relative Tax Preferences,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association/Fall 10(1), 75-88.
12. Wilkie, P., 1988, “Corporate Average Effective Tax Rates and Inferences about Relative Tax Preferences,” The Journal of the American Taxation Association/Fall 10(1), 75-88.
15. Zimmerman, J., 1983, “Taxs and Firm Size,” Journal of Accounting and Economics 5(2) , August, 119-149. |