摘要(英) |
With the trend of deregulation and internationalization, Taiwan has just passed the law to allow bank mergers and conglomeration of the financial institutions. Due to lack of sufficient examples of bank mergers, and the financial holding companies (FHCs) in Taiwan has just founded, this thesis aims to find out the impact of the strategy and activities of the banks’ equity investment in banking and other financial sectors to banks’ performance. Furthermore, a bank’s directors are the final determiner for loans and management decisions. A healthy corporate governance system is the prerequisite for a bank to maximize its shareholders’ value. This thesis uses OLS model to evaluate how equity investment and corporate governance system affect banks performance.
According to the empirical results, banks get better performance when they invest in banking companies with higher profitability and when they own more stakes in banking companies. When banks’ HHIs of equity investment and equity investment in banking companies are higher, banks’ performance is worse.
While considering the impact of corporate governance system to banks’ performance, we find that banks’ performance is significantly negative related to 「final director proportion/ controlled stakes.」It is said that when banks’ ownership structure diverge from「one stake, one right」, banks tend to have worse financial performance. Banks with more 「loans with related parties」also have worse financial performance. It is proved that a healthy corporate governance system is the prerequisite to maximize shareholders’ value of a bank. |
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