摘要(英) |
The pension schemes are important to prevent workers from low standard of living after their retirement. Recently, the Executive Yuan has passed “Draft of Labor Pension Act”. According to the current draft of the above pension act, workers are allowed to choose one of the following two pension systems:Individual Account system and Supplementary Annuity system. Once a worker chooses a specific pension system, he has the right, which is equivalent to an exchange option, to change his choice twice within the first five years. In this study, I use the Monte Carlo simulation method to evaluate the exchange option of Draft of Labor Pension Act and the historical return data of Taiwan’s financial market, the salary growth rate, the unemployment rate, and the mortality rate to calculate the forward contract value of Supplementary Annuity system.
The main reason that the forward contract value of Supplementary Annuity system is positive for all workers is the high rate of annuity payment. The standard deviations of the investment strategies, the rate of annuity payment, the salary growth rate, and the mortality rate are important factors to affect the value of the forward contract and the exchange option. |
參考文獻 |
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