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姓名 李秋芬(Chiu-Fen Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 規模和帳面市值比之探究:因子與特徵觀點
(On Factor- and Characteristic- Based Explanations of Size and BM Anomalies)
★ 避險基金之績效評估★ 展望理論與共同基金績效
★ 生命週期基金 :行為財務學觀點★ 行為特性與投資績效相關性之研究
★ 專業投資人行為特性探討★ 中小型企業融資缺口與資訊不對稱之探討
★ 九型人格特質與理財偏誤行為之相關性研究★ 銀行通路轉型策略個案研究
★ 銀行財富管理行銷策略分析-以兩家在台外商銀行為例★ 羅盤玫瑰可預測型態之探討
★ 巢式與非巢式資產定價理論之比較與檢定★ 投資者情緒與市場報酬
★ 資產定價模型樣本外績效之檢定★ 規模效果和元月效應之微觀
★ 因子或特徵:全球觀點★ 特徵與因子:日本證據
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摘要(中) 我們呈現一個資本資產定價模型的架構且使用不同的分組方法推導出隱含報酬率。使用Fama-MacBeth (1973)之橫斷面迴歸檢定:是否規模和帳面市值比是被包含在這隱含報酬率。檢驗結果發現,在某些分組方法下的隱函報酬率於1981年之後有顯著的解釋能力。然而,此隱含報酬率仍然無法將規模與帳面市值比的效果所涵蓋。除此之外,我們也利用特徵模型所推估的期望報酬與三因子模型的因子係數跑橫斷面回歸,我們發現特徵模型所推導出的期望報酬更具有解釋能力。儘管如此,規模和帳面市值比效果仍然無法被三因子模型和特徵模型所解釋。
摘要(英) We show a CAPM framework and use different sorting ways to derive implied returns. We take advantage of Fama-MacBeth (1973) cross-section regression to test whether size and BM are included into this implied return. The results display that the implied return only has significantly explaining power under some sorting ways in post-1981 period. However, it can not subsume size and BM effects. In addition, we also make use of the expected return which is derived from Characteristic model and three-factor loadings to run cross-section regression. We find that the characteristic model has greater explaining power than three-factor model. Nevertheless, size and BM effects cannot be absorbed by the factor or characteristic model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 特徵模型
★ 三因子模型
★ 資產定價模型
★ 橫斷面迴歸
★ 帳面市值比
★ 規模
關鍵字(英) ★ BM
★ Cross-Section Regression
★ Factor Model
★ Asset Pricing Model
★ Characteristic Model
★ Size
論文目次 1. Introduction..............................................................................................................1
2. Data ...........................................................................................................................4
3. The Role of Size and BM in a CAPM Setting........................................................6
3.1. Methodology ..................................................................................................6
3.2. Empirical Results ..........................................................................................9
4. The linkage to the Three Factor model and Characteristic model....................12
5. Conclusion ..............................................................................................................14
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指導教授 周賓凰(Pin-Huang Chou) 審核日期 2006-6-19
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