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呂惠美(Hui-Mei Lu)
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摘要(中) |
期望透過本研究對此議題的探討,能引發更多人的投入研究,對於台商到大陸投資之融資決策模式,於未來有更進一步的貢獻。 |
摘要(英) |
The globalization and liberalization of the world economy had caused more and more enterprises to step out of national boundaries and sought opportunities on a global scale in the form of multi-national enterprises. Taiwan’s enterprises, with its strong sense of survival, diligence and practical spirit, had developed the amazing Taiwan economic miracle that had won the praises of many. Therefore, the re-structuring of Taiwan’s industries and the liberalization of the Chinese economy became a natural process leading to investments in China with expectations of market dominance and business superiority.
While seeing vast business opportunities, one also sees many difficulties that Taiwan enterprises face as they invest in China. One major difficulty that determined the success or failure of the investment is closely linked to the enterprises’ ability to obtain financing. In Taiwan, more than half of the publicly listed companies, covering a wide range of industries, already have investments in China. From our research, one can discover that the different business model of Taiwan enterprises that invest in China resulted in different financial policies. This research aims to show how the different business model of different Taiwan industrial enterprises impacted their financial policies; and to provide a source of reference to other Taiwan enterprises wishing to invest in China.
This research is based on “Case Studies.” From readily available literature, the major financial limitations of Taiwan enterprises looking to invest in China are determined and their possible sources of financing are analyzed. Based on this background, research is conducted by studying the actual cases of different Taiwan industrial enterprises. Two enterprises are studied: one the BenQ Group, representing the science and technology industry that had set up manufacturing facilities in China, and the other Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise Co., Ltd., representing the traditional drink packing industry. Based on information obtained and interviews conducted with the above companies, an analysis on their business model and financial policies are made and compared. From these studies, a conclusion is reached that under different business models there are different financial considerations and how the different business models impact the financial policies of these companies. Finally, a comparison of the readily available literature and the conclusion of this case study are made and the differences analyzed.
This research aims to propose three major key points:
1. The difference in the business model of the traditional industries and the business model of the technology industries are based on their investment motives, the sources of their profits and their marketing and management patterns.
2. Multi-national enterprises, because of their global markets and management, enjoy the benefits of more resources and flexible of financial policies, thus, enabling them to also obtain higher benefits from their financial investments.
3. Traditional industries adopt local financing, while multi-national enterprises adopt global financing, which ultimately will affect their cost of financing.
Through this research, it is hoped that more people will perform further research into this subject so that it can assist Taiwan enterprises in their financial policy decisions when they invest in China. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 融資決策 ★ 經營模式 ★ 大陸台商 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Financing Policy ★ Taiwan Invested Mainland Chinese Enterprises ★ Business Model |
論文目次 |
表目錄………………………………………………………………………… II
圖目錄………………………………………………………………………… III
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………….. 01
第一節 研究背景………………………………………………. 01
第二節 研究動機………………………………………………. 02
第三節 研究目的………………………………………………. 02
第四節 研究架構………………………………………………. 03
第二章 研究方法…………………………………………………………... 05
第三章 文獻回顧…………………………………………………………... 07
第一節 大陸經濟環境與兩岸投資規定………………………. 07
第二節 台商融資模式探討……………………………………. 25
第三節 國內外融資策略相關研究報告………………………. 37
第四章 個案研究…………………………………………………………... 41
第一節 個案公司(一)宏全國際股份有限公司……………. 41
第二節 個案公司(二)明基電通股份有限公司……………. 52
第三節 個案公司經營模式與融資決策之比較………………. 61
第四節 經營模式對融資決策影響之探討……………………. 70
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………….. 72
參考文獻………………………………………………………………………. 76
表 目 錄
表 3-1 我國對大陸地區貿易統計………………………..………… 11
表 3-2 我國前十大出口國統計表………………………….………. 12
表 3-3 我國前十大進口國統計表…………………………………… 12
表 3-4 民國八十年至九十二年三月對大陸投資分區統計表….…. 14
表 3-5 民國八十年至九十二年三月對大陸投資分業統計表….…. 15
表 3-6 對大陸投資累計金額及比例上限…………………………… 21
表 3-7 先進國家平均負債比率(1995年)…………………………… 37
表 3-8 投資中國大陸台商資金來源相關報告……………………… 39
表 4-1 宏全國際重要沿革…………………………………………… 43
表 4-2 宏全國際九十二年一至三月主要產品結構………………… 44
表 4-3 宏全國際轉投資情形………………………………………… 45
表 4-4 蘇州宏全、宏星、長沙、濟南及太原廠營業項目…………. 47
表 4-5 明基集團四大事業產品項目………………………………… 52
表 4-6 明基集團重要沿革…………………………………………… 53
表 4-7 明基集團轉投資情形………………………………………… 53
表 4-8 明基集團大陸投資狀況……………………………………… 56
表 4-9 明基集團與大陸銀行往來內容……………………………… 60
表 4-10 個案公司赴大陸投資經營模式比較………………………… 63
表 4-11 個案公司大陸投資獲利比較………………………………… 63
表 4-12 個案公司融資策略方向考慮因素…………………………… 65
表 4-13 宏全公司大陸轉投資事業財務結構………………………… 65
表 4-14 明基集團大陸轉投資事業財務結構………………………… 66
表 4-15 個案公司資金成本比較………………………… 68
表 4-16 個案公司赴大陸投資融資模式比較………………………… 69
表 4-17 經營模式對融資決策之影響………………………………… 71
表 5-1 個案公司與台商資金相關問卷結果比較…………………… 73
圖 目 錄
圖 1-1 研究流程圖…………………………………………………… 04
圖 3-1 國外分支機構的潛在資金來源表…………………………… 26
圖 3-2 台商透過OBU業務融資模式…………………………………. 34
圖 4-1 宏全集團大陸佈局…………………………………………… 46
圖 4-2 宏全集團分權獨立之經營模式……………………………… 48
圖 4-3 明基集團大陸佈局…………………………………………… 55
圖 4-4 明基集團全球運籌經營模式………………………………… 57 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
鄭漢鐔(Hann-Tarn Jeng)
審核日期 |
2003-7-17 |
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