摘要(英) |
The business structure and model of the investment bank have long been discussed and copied by the other financial intuitions around the world. However, the global financial crisis has turned the table and those severely hit Wall Street titans all of a sudden lost their independent role or worse, collapsed. The rapid fading of investment banks’ aura has lead people to reconsider whether we should continue pursuing the business model and operation of the major investment banks in Wall Street. Of course, an ever challenging market condition stills awaits the investment banks, nonetheless there are survivors like Goldman Sachs and Nomura. The former has proven its ability to meet rapidly shifting market conditions while the latter has taken dramatic steps to transform itself from an Asia-based investment firm into a global group with a strong base in Europe. In my article, I will introduce the core business items, the post-crisis financial market conditions and the business strategies for investment banks. In addition, I will attempt to analyze the strength of Goldman Sachs and Nomura from several perspectives. Also I’ll try my best to answer the following questions including what makes Goldman Sachs and Nomura outperform others? What are the outlooks of Goldman Sachs and Nomura? What can we learn from the cases of Goldman Sachs and Nomura.
參考文獻 |
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高盛證券官網 (http://www2.goldmansachs.com/)
野村證券官網 (http://www.nomura.co.jp/)
台灣證券交易所網站 (http://www.twse.com.tw/ch/index.php)
World Federation of Exchange (http://www.world-exchanges.org/)