姓名 |
盧永裕(Yung-Yu Lu)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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銀行投資公債業務之探討分析 (Analysis of Bank,s Government Bond Investment)
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摘要(中) |
經本文探討分析後,銀行在投資公債操作策略上,係以買進持有策略搭配避險策略同時運用才能獲取最適報酬與降低風險。主要考量銀行建購公債時都有考慮業務延續性,實務上銀行庫存公債部位都運用在承作公債附條件買回(R/P)業務,係維持分行客戶的業務需求,但遇公債殖利率上揚時,惟囿於國內債券市場之淺碟特性,短期內不易大量處分債券,以及承作附買回(R/P)之公債是被限制處置,而無法適時處分,故只能透過避險策略,以降低利率上揚所造成資本損失。綜述,在考量銀行餘裕資金之配置、充當流動準備項目及配合分行維持附條件(RP)交易量之業務需求下,仍須以買進持有策略建置適量之債券部位,並建置存續期間較短天期的公債搭配附條件(RP)交易業務量。如此,銀行在投資公債業務上才能達到最適報酬及最低風險之目標。 |
摘要(英) |
“As the oil price keeps staying at a high level and that of commodities continues to rise, the prices of domestic oil-related products still have an upward pressure. The inflationary risk goes up and the real interest rate remains low. Under the circumstance of solid economic growth, the monetary policy should return to a neutral position, which can stabilize the prices of commodities, facilitate the reasonable capital allocation, and stabilize the long-term finance. As a result, the board decided to raise the discount rate, the rate on accommodations with collateral, and the rate on accommodations without collateral by 12.5 basis points respectively.” is constantly repeated in the quarterly minutes of board meeting of the Central Bank of Republic of China from March 2006 to December 2007. All of these facts cause the YTM of 10 years keeping rising, which enlarge the unrealized loss for the government bond positions in the banks. The investment opportunities for banks are quite limited, and the government bond becomes one of the best targets because of its advantages of safety, liquidity, and profit-taking. Therefore, I would like to discuss which kind of investing strategy of government bond is the best for banks.
After the analysis in this dissertation, banks should have the buy-hold strategy but use the hedging one at the same time to optimize the profits and reduce the risks. The main concern for the buy-hold strategy is for the businesses related with the government bonds. Government bonds positions of banks are usually used to do the R/P business. When the YTM goes up, we cannot sell most of these government bonds because the bond market is very shallow in Taiwan. As a result, we can only use the hedging strategy to lower the losses. Overall, after considering the excess capital allocation in the banks, the government bonds’ being used as the liquid reserve requirement, and the businesses of R/P with branches clients, banks still need to have the buy-hold strategy but use the short-term positions of government bonds to do the R/P businesses. As a result, banks can achieve the goal of optimizing the profits and lowering the risks in the government bond investment. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 公債投資策略 ★ 10年期公債殖利率 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Investing Strategy for Government Bonds. ★ YTM of Government Bonds |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論....................................................................................…...............…...1
第一節 研究動機........................................................................................…..1
第二節 研究目的..........................................................................................…3
第三節 研究架構..........................................................................................…4
第四節 研究流程..........................................................................................…5
第二章 利率的相關理論與文獻回顧.................................................................…6
第一節 利率的相關理論………….............................................................…6
第二節 文獻回顧……................................................................................…10
第三章 國內公債現況及長期利率走勢分析.......................................................15
第一節 國內公債現況....................................................................................15
第二節 長期利率走勢分析............................................................................22
第四章 公債投資策略探討及實務運用................................................................30
第一節 公債投資策略介紹............................................................................30
第二節 利率走勢與公債投資策略之運用……………................................34
第三節 銀行投資公債業務實務上之運用....................................................38
第五章 結論與建議................................................................................................46
第一節 研究結論及建議................................................................................46
參考文獻....................................................................................................................49 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2008-6-24 |
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