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郭振特(Chen-te Kuo)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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政府要求銀行配合對DRAM產業紓困措施之合理性-以茂德科技為例 (The reasonability of government’s requesting the banks for bailout plans of DRAM industries - The Case of ProMOS Technology)
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摘要(中) |
2008金融海嘯重創我國經濟,政府為挽救經濟,除實施許多振興經濟方案外,也針對營運困難企業實施了一些紓困方案,這些紓困方案一公布實施後立即產生很大效果,眾多發生營運困難之國內企業紛紛據此向銀行業申請貸款展延,其中以茂德科技貸款展延案最受外界囑目。此一紓困案廣泛引起各界爭議,有贊成及反對的聲音出現,可是政府卻強力主導銀行配合予以紓困,然而銀行業的授信有其本身的專業評估,且若銀行因紓困而導致本身受到拖累時,所產生的危害更大。因此,本研究旨在探討政府為了紓困企業,要求銀行同意延長其還款期限是否合理?以及DRAM產業是否值得政府伸出援手? 茂德科技是否值得政府伸出援手?
摘要(英) |
In 2008 the financial tsunami devastated our country’s economy. In order to save the economy, the government implemented many financial stability plans and some bailout plans for enterprises under financial distress. After these bailout plans were announced and implemented, they immediately produced a big effect. Many domestic enterprises with business difficulties turned to the banking industry to apply for loan extensions. Among them, the loan extension of ProMOS Technology was the most prominently noticed case. The ProMOS Technology bailout plan aroused widely controversies, with voices of agreement and disagreement. However, the government emphatically requested the cooperation of the banks to enforce the bailout plans. Nevertheless, the banking industry had their professional assessments regarding the loans. If the banks were negatively affected by the bailout, the dangers produced by the bailout plan would be even greater. The purpose of this research is to explore whether the government’s request of the banks to extend loan payments (in order to relieve the enterprises) was reasonable? Is it worthy for the government to bailout the whole DRAM industry? Particularly, is it worthy for the government to bailout the ProMOS Technology?
This research analyzes the data of the DRAM industry and the ProMOS Technology, to determine whether the bailout plans are reasonable from government and banking industry’s perspectives. This study evaluate the three possible bailout plans based on the factors of economy, employment placement, financial market, business management, technological innovation, and environmental protection. The three plans were “not rescuing”, “rescuing to the end” (but would not incorporate or combine), and “incorporating through TMC”. The conclusions of this study are as follows. The plan of “rescuing to the end” was the worst in terms of the expected value of national competitiveness. And the outcome of the plan of “incorporating through TMC” was the most unpredictable. It would be the best plan, if the plan turn out to be successful. Otherwise, it would entail a bigger catastrophe. The first plan, which is a conservative method, would be the best, because it had the least damage to the nation as a whole.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 茂德科技 ★ DRAM產業 ★ 政府紓困 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ DRAM industries ★ bailout plans |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 v
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 研究方法 4
1-4 研究流程 5
二、 相關文獻 6
2-1 政府對企業紓困措施相關文獻探討 6
2-2 銀行授信相關研究 15
三、 DRAM產業研究 23
3-1 DRAM產業探討 23
3-2 政府角度評估 45
3-3 從銀行角度評估DRAM產業 52
四、個案探討 55
4-1 個案公司簡介 55
4-2 政府對茂德科技的評估 61
4-3 以銀行觀點評估 64
五、 結論與建議 77
5-1 結論 77
5-2 建議 79
參考文獻 80
附錄一 83
附錄二 86
附錄三 88
參考文獻 |
〔1〕Dominick salvatore著,國際經濟學,黃健杰、李娓瑋譯,雙葉書廊,台北,2004
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指導教授 |
鄭漢鐔(Hann-Tarn Jeng)
審核日期 |
2009-6-25 |
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