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姓名 林秋芬(Chiu-fen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 盜版與有限負債
(Piracy and Limited Liability)
★ 中小學教科書市場區位競爭之研究★ 從電子商務演進-探討銀行電子金融服務創新
★ 智慧型手機產業分析★ 台灣金融控股公司之產業分析
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摘要(中) 這篇文章主要分析有網路外部性的的情況下,獨佔軟體廠商面對終端使用者盜版(end-user piracy)所受到的影響。假設消費者之間有所得差異及「有限負債(limited liability)」條件。其中「有限負債」會使消費者的盜版成本隨所得增加,因此獨佔廠商可以去利用低所得消費者所帶來網路效果,轉而對高所得消費者定高價以獲得高利潤,尤其是當廠商能有效防止高所得消費者得到網路效果外溢時。當智慧財產權政策趨於愈嚴格執行,則獨佔廠商愈能避免這效果外溢,否則情況會變成每一高所得消費者都獲利,唯獨廠商受害。這是因為邊際消費者受到「有限負債」保護,提高罰金對這些人的均衡狀態絲毫無作用。
摘要(英) This paper analyzes the effects of end-user piracy on a monopolized software industry with network effects in which consumers have heterogeneous income and limited liability. Limited liability produces a piracy cost which increases with income. The monopolist thus may be able to exploit the network effect brought about by the piracy of low-income consumers to charge a higher price to high-income consumers thereby earn a higher profit, especially when the monopolist can prevent the network effect from spilling over to the high-income consumers. If intellectual property rights policies are severe enough, then the monopolist can avoid the spillover. Otherwise it may become a case where each high-income buyer benefits from the piracy but the monopolist is hurt. Because the marginal consumer is protected by limited liability, raising the size of the penalty may not have an effect on the equilibrium at all.
As expected, the price and the profit always (weakly) increase with either the size of penalty or the detection probability. In contrast, due to the network effect, they may decrease with the cost of obtaining an illegal copy. As expected, the pirated quantity (weakly) decreases with the cost of obtaining an illegal copy. But the pirated quantity always (weakly) increases with the size of the penalty. This is because raising the size of penalty invites the monopolist to raise the price. The pirated quantity similarly increases with the detection probability except when the detection probability is higher than a critical level. If policy instruments are severe enough, giving the penalties to the monopolist instead of the government does not cause any changes because the price is already at its highest possible value; otherwise, the price may be raised.
關鍵字(中) ★ 盜版
★ 有限負債
★ 所得分配
關鍵字(英) ★ piracy
★ limited liability
★ income distribution
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Content iv
Figure content iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Reality of software piracy 1
1.2 Types of software piracy 2
1.3 Protection of intellectual property 4
1.4 Literature Review 5
2 The Model and the demand function 10
2.1 The utility function 10
2.2 Location of the profit-maximizing price 11
2.3 How consumers choose among the three alternatives 13
2.4 The demand function 17
3 The Equilibrium 18
4 Comparative Statics and Welfare Analysis 22
4.1 Intellectual property rights protection 22
4.2 Welfare analysis 24
4.3 The profit-maximizing detection probability 26
4.4 The comparative statics regarding the cost of obtaining an illegal copy 27
5 Civil Remedies 28
6 Conclusions 31
References 33
Appendix A: Copyright laws 35
The Mathematical Appendix B 40
Figure content
Figure 2.1 16
Figure 3.1 18
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指導教授 張明宗、吳大任
(Ming-chung Chang、Dachrahn Wu)
審核日期 2008-7-3
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