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姓名 黃晏奇(Yen-Chi Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 網際網路交易平台的競爭策略之研究
★ 中小學教科書市場區位競爭之研究★ 智慧型手機產業分析
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★ 大陸鋼鐵出口與台灣鋼鐵價格的關聯性★ 特種貨物及勞務稅對區域房市價格之影響--以桃園縣為例
★ 人口結構變遷對財政教育支出之影響★ 土壤液化公告對區域房價影響之研究 -以板橋及新莊為例
★ 鶯歌捷運線對房價的影響★ 中國半鋼子午胎產業分析
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摘要(中) 本文利用著名的空間競爭模型(Hotelling, 1929)來進行分析。假設在網路交易的過程中消費者必須使用搜尋介面搜尋商品且其對於搜尋介面有一偏好,消費者在考慮商品的價格、平台的水平差異(偏好)與垂直差異(商譽)之後選擇透過哪一個平台完成交易。本文設定廠商提供的搜尋介面具有非敵對性且功能越多、廣度更大的搜尋介面能夠滿足更多消費者的偏好、增加需求,因此廠商除了進行價格競爭之外還會進行研發搜尋介面的競爭。
摘要(英) This article uses the famous spatial competition model (Hotelling, 1929) to carry on the analysis.
The assumption is that the consumer must use the searching intermediary to search commodity in the network transaction process also there is preference on the searching intermediary, after consumer considerate the price of commodity, the horizontal difference (preference) and the vertical
difference(reputation) which platform chooses penetrates to complete the transaction.
This article establishes the searching intermediary where the manufacturer provides to be non-rival with more functions, a searching intermediary with a bigger breadth can satisfy more consumers by chance, and increase the demand, therefore the manufacturer will research and develop a better searching intermediary besides the price competition.
This article mainly contributes: 1. This article provides a theoretical model of network platform service which analyzes how the vertical difference of the platform affects the social welfare. 2. This article gives the spatial competition model more applications by giving new annotation to the concept of choice behavior.
關鍵字(中) ★ 空間競爭
★ 電子商務
關鍵字(英) ★ e-commerce
★ spatial competition
論文目次 目錄
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指導教授 吳大任(Dach-Rahn Wu) 審核日期 2006-7-13
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