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姓名 王克燻(Ke-Hsuen Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 企業競爭優勢分析架構:以面膜產品為例
(Business Competitive Advantage Analysis Framework-Case Study in Facial Mask Product)
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摘要(中) 在競爭激烈的商業環境裡,如何在環境快速變遷的產業中增加企業利潤,是國人必須慎重思考的議題。在本論文提出一套競爭優勢架構,首先整理競爭優勢文獻、定義競爭優勢,以創造經濟價值為結構建立競爭優勢架構。
摘要(英) Nowadays, people are starting finding out some important factors that brought them higher business profit in this competitive and rapidly business market. Competitive Advantage is foremost factor. In my thesis, I present a complete business system and structure of Competitive Advantage with some articles highlighted. There are also economic value created and build a competitive advantage.
Competitive advantage is when a firm earns a higher rate of profit than the competitor. When we define a business firm has a competitive advantage, we mean they work on creating economic value which also means products value subtract product cost. Under this formula, the firm fully investigates the consumer in need of product feature and utilizing firm resources to the most profitable product. Mr. Michael Porter mentioned about a firm with a competitive advantage is ought to choose one of each low cost or differentiation. However, a firm could also produce higher product value with a lower product cost. There are six structures to stand up the competitive advantage in the thesis.
Raising product value is an important element of competitive advantage; there are some others such as definition of product value and product features. The product features could manipulate product value due to quality, function, service, name brand, and design. In this thesis, I survey the influence factors in the facial mask market and analyze consumers’ needs, satisfaction, product features and competitive advantage analysis on one of the leading brands in the market.
關鍵字(中) ★ 經濟價值
★ 商品特性
★ 因素分析
★ 競爭優勢
關鍵字(英) ★ Economic Value
★ Produce Feature
★ Factor Analysis
★ Competitive Advantage
論文目次 目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
謝誌 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
 1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 章節結構 3
二、 文獻回顧 4
 2-1 競爭優勢文獻 4
2-2 競爭優勢定義 7
2-3 競爭優勢策略 9
2-3-1 成本領先策略 10
2-3-2 差異化策略 11
2-3-3 集中化策略 11
2-3-4 夾在中間 13
2-3-5 價值鏈 13
2-4 商品價值 14
2-4-1 商品定義 15
2-4-2 商品三個元素 16
2-4-3 新特性對商品價值影響 17
三、   競爭優勢分析架構 19
 3-1 商品價值 22
3-2 提升商品價值 23
3-3 商品成本 26
3-4 降低商品成本 27
3-5 競爭優勢與競爭對手 27
3-6 六種競爭優勢結構 29
3-7 競爭優勢分析架構 32
3-8 因素分析介紹 36
四、   個案分析 41
 4-1 調查商品 41
4-2 調查目的 43
4-3 問卷設計 44
4-4 調查結果 47
4-5 因素分析結果 55
4-6 競爭優勢分析 62
五、   結論 70
參考文獻 73
附錄-問卷 76
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指導教授 滕曉雲(Hsiao-Yun Teng) 審核日期 2007-7-21
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