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姓名 鐘心淇(Hsin-chi Chung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 心理資本、薪資水準與工作努力程度關係之研究:以某跨國企業為例
(The Relationship Between Psychological Capital, Wages, and Work Effort: A Study On A Multi-national Enterprise)
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摘要(中) 長久以來,經濟學家認為心理資本無法直接觀察。因此,很少文獻探討心理資本、薪資與員工工作投入之關係。本文主要以個別企業角度出發,檢視究竟是心理資本還是金錢誘因促使員工努力工作?研究對象為一家生產閥門之跨國企業,以該公司之績效考核表、員工履歷表、人事與薪資資料做為主要研究的資料庫。本研究採用聯立方程式先估計在不考慮心理資本下,判斷效率工資之存在性。再進一步,加入心理資本,檢視心理資本對於該企業之重要性,及其加入對效率工資之影響。實証結果發現,效率工資理論在該企業僅部分成立。若將兩地工廠分討論,則台灣廠無法支持效率工資理論,而大陸廠僅部分支持效率工資理論。因此,在大陸地區,若給付之薪資多於員工所預期時,員工確實會傾向付出較多的努力。將心理資本加入模型後,吾人發現心理資本對於員工表現的影響為正且顯著的,但此效果會削弱效率工資對於員工表現的影響。換言之,該企業中,不僅效率工資能提高員工生產力,心理資本與企業文化之配適程度也占有重要地位。
摘要(英) Traditionally, economists consider the psychological capital as an unmeasured capital. Accordingly, few have focused on the possible relationship emerged between psychological capital, wages and work effort. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the above relationship. By doing so, it aims to understand factors that could induce an employee’s work effort. We use the performance appraisal form, the job application form, personnel files and the wage rate data of a multi-national enterprise for the empirical study, which includes samples from a China factory and a Taiwan factory. Without taking the psychological capital into account, we first employ a two-equation simultaneous model to describe the relationship between wages and work effort under the consideration of the efficiency wages. We then include the psychological capital to the simultaneous system to examine its impact on wage determination and work effort. As such, the omitted variable problem can be solved to guarantee the consistent estimation result. Empirically, it is found that the efficiency wage theory is partly supported in this case. A further study by separating Taiwanese and Chinese samples reveals that the prediction of the efficiency wage theory is not supported by Taiwanese data, but is partly supported by the Chinese data. Therefore, by offering a wage rate higher than a worker’s expectation could extract a higher effort from a Chinese worker. Second, psychological capital is found to be significantly positive correlated with workers’ performance. However, the inclusion of the psychological capital in the model would decline the impact of the efficiency wage on a worker’s performance. Hence, we concluded that not only the efficiency wage but also the psychological capital are crucial in enhancing a worker’s productivity. In other words, in the viewpoint of the employer of this specific corporation, to hire a worker of good psychological capital matching with the corporation’s culture is an important human resource practice.
關鍵字(中) ★ 心理資本
★ 薪資水準
★ 努力程度
關鍵字(英) ★ the psychological capita
★ work effort
★ wages
論文目次 壹、緒論 1
貮、文獻回顧 5
2.1效率工資 5
2.2心理資本與激勵理論 6
2.3心理資本與工作表現之關係 8
2.4心理資本與薪資的關係 9
2.5效率薪資之衡量方法 9
2.6努力程度之衡量指標 10
參、實証模型設定與計量方法 12
3.1模型一:效率工資 --- 基本模型 12
3.2模型二:效率工資 --- 心理資本之基本模型 15
3.3模型三:效率工資 --- 心理資本方程式 16
肆、資料來源與特性 19
4.1績效考核表 19
4.2員工履歷表 20
4.3人事與薪資資料 20
4.4台灣及大陸資料特性之比較 21
伍、實証結果 25
5.1模型一:效率工資之基本模型 25
5.2模型二:效率工資-心理資本模型 29
5.3模型三:效率工資-心理資本方程式。 32
陸、結論與討論 49
6.1 結論 49
6.2未來研究方向 51
柒、參考文獻 52
捌、附錄 58
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指導教授 黃麗璇(Li-Hsuan Huang) 審核日期 2007-7-18
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