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姓名 康端嚴(Tuan-Yuen Kong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 制度與經濟成長
(Three Essays on Institution and Economic Growth)
★ 我國LED照明產業技術進步之研究:可計算一般均衡模型之應用★ 亞洲國家石油消費之實證研究
★ 1999-2010年影響臺灣家庭貧窮現象之因素★ 台灣區域GDP估計與都會區發展研究
★ 從產業關聯表檢視美國再工業化成效★ 從產業關聯表檢視中國大陸進口替代之情形
★ 事業廢棄物清除處理之分析:綠色國民所得帳與CGE模型之應用★ 空氣污染防制政策與綠色國民所得之一般均衡分析
★ 台灣水污染防治效果的一般均衡分析★ 開放體系下之資本移動性與貨幣政策目標效果
★ 解構證券交易所成功要素--跨國性研究,兼論台灣與香港證交所之競爭★ 臺指期貨選擇權套利效率性之研究
★ 公共資本與台灣經濟成長★ 台灣領先指標對景氣循環預測能力的探討
★ 國外波動對台灣經濟的影響:動態隨機一般均衡模型之應用★ 三篇能源經濟的應用
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摘要(中) 制度對經濟成長的影響近期備受關注。雖然大部分學者已體認到制度的重要性,但是對其與經濟成長的關係為何仍具有爭議,尤其研究民主制度的政治學者以及研究市場自由的經濟學者對此問題常常有不同的詮釋。本論文透過三篇文章,希望藉由兩個制度面相的結合-政治民主與經濟自由,了解制度與國家經濟成長的關係。
第一篇文章首先採用Freedom House 和Economic Freedom of the World 此二機構所調查的自由化總指標,檢驗由政治民主與經濟自由連接關係所形成的制度意涵對經濟成長的影響。此研究發現,當個別觀察政治民主或經濟自由對經濟成長的影響時,其結果與大部分文獻的研究成果相同,制度的自由化對經濟成長的影響是正面的。然而,當把兩者做一個連接則發現有趣的現象。從政治民主的角度出發,制度只有在經濟不自由的時候有效果,一旦經濟自由上升到另外一個層級,政治民主化提昇對經濟成長的效果已不顯著。相反的,從經濟自由的角度出發,不管是在哪個政治民主的層級,經濟自由提昇對經濟成長總是有正面的影響。同樣的結果也呈現在單獨觀察發展中國家的研究中。
摘要(英) The role of institutions in economic growth has recently begun to receive greater attention in academic circles. Although the impact of institutions has been acknowledged by most, definitive conclusions still remain a question. In the chapter 2, we use ordinary least squares estimation to consider the nexus between political liberalization and economic freedom. We could find conclusions for different aspects when controlling one or the other. In the chapter 3, we focus on the influence that the underlying components of economic freedom have on economic growth. We find that these two institutional variables are conditionally dependant on each other’s different levels, and have different impacts on economic growth. Besides, political liberalization has a non-linear relationship with economic growth. We investigate the relationship among openness, democracy, and economic development in chapter 4. The openness has an ambiguous impact on economic development and the empirical findings in the democracy-economic growth literature are also mixed, thus it causes this study difficult. A recent theoretical paper focuses on the relationship among these variables and provides some interestingly concluding remarks. The main purpose of this chapter is to use appropriate empirical approach to examine the theoretical perspective of the relationship among the openness democracy, and economic growth. In brief, we could not find the support for the first proposition that in an oligarchic (means non-democracy) society, public expenditure conducive to development is typically lower in an open than a closed economy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 經濟成長
★ 經濟自由
★ 制度
★ 政治民主
關鍵字(英) ★ Institution
★ economic freedom
★ economic growth
★ political liberalization
論文目次 Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: The impact of the political liberalization-economic freedom nexus on economic growth 3
I. Introduction 3
II. Methodology and data 5
III. Empirical results 8
IV. Sensitivity analysis 11
V. Conclusion 13
References 15
Chapter 3: The components of economic freedom, political liberalization and economic growth 25
I. Introduction 25
II. Methodology and data 29
III. Empirical analysis 33
IV. Implications and conclusions 37
References 39
Chapter 4: The openness, democracy and economic development 45
I. Introduction 45
II. Literature Review 46
III. Empirical model, methodology and data 49
IV. Empirical findings 53
V. Discussion and Conclusions 55
References 56
Chapter 5: Conclusions 62
List of Tables
Table 2.1: Definition and sources of the major variables 18
Table 2.2: The descriptive statistics (mean) of major variables 19
Table 2.3: Political liberalization, economic freedom and economic growth 20
Table 2.4: Political liberalization-economic freedom nexus and economic growth 21
Table 2.5: Sensitivity results:
Political liberalization, economic freedom and economic growth 22
Table 2.6: Sensitivity results:
Political liberalization-economic freedom nexus and economic growth 23
Appendix: Fixed effect model estimation results 24
Table 3.1: The descriptive statistics of the components of economic freedom 42
Table 3.2: The components of economic freedom and economic growth 43
Table 3.3: The components of economic freedom, political liberalization and economic growth 44
Table 4.1: Definition, instruments and sources of each variable 58
Table 4.2: Democracy, openness and government expenditure 60
Table 4.3: Democracy, openness, and economic growth 61
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指導教授 朱雲鵬(Yun-Peng Chu) 審核日期 2009-7-7
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