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姓名 姚登瀚(Teng-Han Yau)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 Linux與Windows平台競爭的經濟分析
(The Competition between Linux and Windows: A Theoretic Approach)
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摘要(中) 本文建立一個雙邊市場模型來討論兩個作業平台的競爭。在同時考慮了兩種不同的應用軟體-開放原始碼軟體及封閉原始碼軟體的前提下,假設其中一個平台同時支援兩種應用軟體,而另外一個平台只支援開放原始碼軟體。我們發現,當消費者對於封閉原始碼軟體多樣程度的有較強偏好的時候,同時支援兩種軟體的平台價格會下降,然而只支援開放原始碼軟體的平台價格會上升。但當消費者對於開放原始碼軟體多樣程度有較強偏好的時候,兩者平台的價格都會下降。
摘要(英) We develop a two-sided platform model that contains two operating platforms with two kinds of applications to support: open source applications and closed source applications. We assume that one of the platforms supports both kinds of applications while the other supports only open source applications. The results of our model show that, if the consumers’ preferences for the variety of closed source applications become larger, the price of the platform supporting both kinds of applications will decrease while the platform supporting only open source applications will increase. However, if the consumers’ preferences for the variety of open source applications become larger, both prices of these two platforms will decrease.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雙邊市場
★ 平台競爭
★ 開放原始碼
★ 封閉原始碼
關鍵字(英) ★ two-sided platform competition
★ open source
★ closed source
論文目次 1.Introduction........................................1
1.1 Motivation.......................................1
1.2 Related Literature...............................3
2. The Model..........................................5
2.1 Platforms........................................5
2.2 Applications.....................................5
2.3 Consumers........................................6
3. The Equilibrium ....................................9
4. Comparative Statics................................15
4.1 Analysis of pricing strategy of platforms........15
4.2 Analysis of the cross-group network externality..17
5. Conclusion.........................................25
參考文獻 Chou, C. F., and O. Shy. 1990. “Network Effects without Network Externalities.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 8:259-270
Economides, N., and E. Katsamakas. 2006. “Two-sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source Technology Platforms and the Implications for the Software Industry.” Management Science 52(7):1057-1071
Johnson, J. P. 2002. “Open source Software: Private Provision of a Public Good.” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 11:637-662
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Lerner, J., and J. Tirole. 2002. “The Scope of Open Source Licensing.” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper 9363
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Pan, W.-S. and C.-C. Tseng. 2001. “Freeware and the network externality.” Master’s thesis in National Tsing Hua University (in Chinese)
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指導教授 吳大任、葉俊顯
(Dachrahn Wu、Chun-Hsien Yeh)
審核日期 2008-7-23
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