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姓名 鍾曉君(Hsiao-chun Chung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 獨立發明人與發明商品化之研究
(Analysis on Independent Inventors and Commercialization of Inventions)
★ 公平交易法對多層次傳銷定義之研究 -「給付一定代價」是否應予保留★ 產業群聚與ICT、電子商務技術擴散-以臺灣製造業為例
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★ 租稅幻覺與已婚婦女勞動供給之影響★ 宗教認知對修行投入時間影響之探討
★ 退休金給付制度及強制退休時點與員工互動之探討★ 台灣管理階層薪資結構 Tournament Theory 之實證研究
★ 人才移動、家庭遷移與技術移轉-以台商在上海地區就職為例★ 電子商務消費者行為計量分析
★ 台灣B2C電子商務市場商品價格變動因素之探討—兼論虛擬市場與實體市場間之整合★ 高科技產業垂直分工與群聚效果之分析—以新竹科學園區為例
★ 電信不對稱管制之研究★ 臺灣地區大學教育報酬率時間變化趨勢之分析
★ 肢體障礙勞工教育與就業狀況之探討 -以傳訊理論與歧視理論為基礎★ 教育的信號功能分析─以國內事業單位為例
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摘要(中) 本研究主要欲探討在目前強調知識經濟、創意至上的時代,獨立發明人發揮其創意,做出各式各樣的發明物品,並將之商品化,推廣至市場之中,創造出可觀的經濟價值。利用問卷調查方式,從中瞭解獨立發明人之基本資料、特質,創新歷程、商品化經驗;同時藉由與發明人面對面的訪談,深入探究獨立發明人發明商品化的寶貴經驗;再加上實證模型的分析結果,從中瞭解影響發明人商品化績效的主要因素所在。而後將上述三部分所得到的結果,相互呼應、歸納,使本研究所要討論的主題,更為完備、清晰。
摘要(英) The following research mainly aim to discuss the considerable economic value generated by independent inventors nowadays, in which the importance of the knowledge economy and imagination are emphasized, by displaying their creativity and releasing their commercialized products into the market. After taking questionnaire and surveys, we appreciated the inventors’ basic profiles, their special characteristics, innovation courses and experiences in commercializing their inventions. Also by taking face-to-face interviews with inventors, we thoroughly acquired valuable experiences in commercialization marketing. In addition to the results from theoretical models’ analysis, we were able to understand the primary factors that affected the inventors’ achievements in the market.
At Taipei International Invention Show and Technomart 2006, a survey was conducted, gathering not only inventors’ primary, effective and basic data, but also their opinion in the commercialization of their products. Moreover, in-depth interviews were managed by aiming at five most experienced inventors in the market. The main goal was to understand the concept of commercialization process, the difficulties the inventors confronted and the precaution, as well as advices, needed in the phase.
The research results show that, having great interest in developing new ideas stimulates inventor’s progressive innovation. To release their products in the market, and to obtain an expected proportion of the investment’s reward rate are the decisive indicators of independent inventors’ achievements. The market’s insufficiency in product recognition and the lack of attractive promotions are the main factors of low acceptance in the market. On the contrary, innovating and practical products, with mass productions and low prices, can relatively appeal to the consumers and the market.
By using theoretical models for analysis, it comes clear that: The more experienced is an independent inventor in innovating inventions, the more experienced he/she will be in commercializing them, and therefore the more patents he/she will accumulate. Furthermore, it becomes easier for him to handle the entire commercialization phase; and thus, more accomplishments will be performed.. Nevertheless, inventions that are granted international patents not only mean an acknowledgment of the inventor’s achievements, but also bring profitable benefits to the commercialization market. Using theoretical results together with contents of in-depth interviews, we may see that patent applications and the quest of invention commercialization require the gathering of sources in advance, and methodically. An essential knowledge of the product and its commercialization process are the indispensable keys for attracting manufacturers, investors and potential users. The threat of counterfeit is the inventor’s motivation to strive for perfection and innovation. It also symbolizes the market’s highly acceptance of the original invention. In order to increase the popularity of their, products, inventors must besides exchanging ideas with the consumers, also understand the market’s demands. At the same time, the government must strengthen every related policy to protect the inventor’s right and to strike over counterfeits in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 專利
★ 發明人
★ 創業
★ 商品化
★ 發明
關鍵字(英) ★ patent
★ independent inventor
★ start an enterprise
★ commercials
★ invention
論文目次 第一章 緒論 .......................................................................1
1.1研究背景 ................................................................1
1.2研究動機與目的 ........................................................3
1.3研究方法 ................................................................4
1.4研究限制 ................................................................4
1.5研究架構 ................................................................6
第二章 文獻回顧 ..................................................................7
2.1保護發明概念之前哨—專利權 ........................................7
2.1.1 專利權之概念 ...................................................8
2.1.2 專利保護的意義 ...............................................11
2.2從發明創意到創新產品 ..............................................12
2.3商品化成功與否的影響因素之探討 .................................16
2.4發明人、企業家精神與創新創業 ....................................20
2.5發明商品化之環境 ....................................................23
2.7本章結論 ...............................................................28
第三章 深度訪談個案 ............................................................30
3.1研究重點與參訪過程 ..................................................30
3.2深度訪談個案內容 .....................................................33
第四章 獨立發明人的創新歷程...................................................70
第五章 獨立發明人商品化經驗與對發明環境之反應...........................102
5.2.2 發明人所面對的現實發明環境與商品化環境、政策、市場狀況感受程度之初步統計分析..........................................106
5.3.1 分析方法..........................................................112
5.3.2 實證分析(一)--以三項因素構面為解釋變數...............114
5.3.3 實證分析(二)--以「發明人對無法順利將專利商品化主要原因」之十四個感受程度子題為解釋變數............................123
5.4.1 實證分析--以「國內專利商品化一般環境可能有助於發明人提升專利商品化成功率的主因」之十一個感受程度子題為解釋變數
第六章 結論........................................................................148
6.2 發明人面對現實發明與商品化環境、政策與市場狀況的反應程度之實證分析.................................................................151
6.3 建議....................................................................154
6.4 後續研究方向與展望..................................................157
附錄一 研究問卷...................................................................166
附錄二 SBIR計畫說明.............................................................169
附錄三 發明人發明商品化各項要素影響商品化績效之實證分析—以三構面及其與專長之交叉項為解釋變數.............................................172
附錄四 加入成本項變數...........................................................174
附錄五 利用TOBIT MODEL,以收益成本比為被解釋變數.......................178
附錄六 「發明人對無法順利將專利商品化主要原因」與「一般環境有助於提升 專利商品化成功率的因素」兩大項解釋變數定義設定之不同對實證分析的影響....................................................................183
附錄七 各國創新運動實例........................................................189
附錄八 知識經濟發展方案相關圖例..............................................191
附錄九 專利商品化流程...........................................................192
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指導教授 單驥(Gee San) 審核日期 2007-6-29
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