摘要(英) |
Recent years the Earth warmed and the energy crisis question receives various countries to take seriously gradually. After the Kyoto Protocol becomes effective, causes the traditional electricity generation way like using the petroleum, coal-burning, firepower and so on to come under the serious influence. Renewable energy development has become one of important strategies for world future continues forever to develop.
This paper take the market failure concept as a starting point, make the systematic reorganization regarding the renewable energy sources development barrier, and take the European small economy country (Sweden, Denmark) impels policy and the related coordinated sets of measures the renewable energy sources development (subsidy and taxes) as an example, analyzes it to overcome as well as the policy tool’’s utilization regarding each stratification plane barrier, and appraises the policy implementation the result.
The research discovered that Denmark and Sweden in the identical section time use many kinds of measures by no means in the renewable energy sources tool’’s use the ways, but in each measure’’s utilization, each stage respectively has the different method. In the research, development and demonstration stage, has solved technical, cultural and psychological, social and the environment repel and so on three barriers; carbon measures and so on tax system, investment cause, land and other taxes cause, feed-in-tariff have solved the factors of production, the infrastructure and the economic aspect barrier; The voluntary plan as well as quantity foundation’’s electric power certificate system has solved the related demand surface problem. Compares in Taiwan, the legislative procedure is slow, electric power market not open as well as related laws and regulations and reward measure not conformity, hindrance renewable energy sources science and technology development. This research by analyzes experience of Danish and the Sweden, suggested that Taiwan should accelerate the legislative procedure, the conformity laws and regulations and the associated measures, the promotion electric power market liberalization; The policy tool considers besides encourages to increase the installment capacity should simultaneously to take the power rate the cause, and aims at the different renewable energy sources science and technology to provide the different purchase electricity price. Moreover, the conformity produces, studies, grinds the tripartite strength to organize the research and development alliance, the development renewable energy sources industry key technologies, take the international market as the goal, removes the overseas market barrier to trade, increases the export the opportunity, cuts into supply of chain system the international renewable energy sources equipment because of the technical collaboration mechanism, increases competitive power of the renewable energy sources equipment market.
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