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姓名 潘美樺(Mei-Hua Pan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 新產品創新之價格效果─以第三代行動通訊為例
(The Price Effect of New Innovated Products: The Case of the Third Generation Mobile Communication Systems)
★ 銀行授信行為之研究★ 經發會前後台股指數、期貨指數、電子指數與金融指數之關聯性
★ 台灣家庭夏天用電需求分析★ 影響台銀黃金存摺價格因素之研究
★ 國際原油投資報酬與資金行情之探討-GARCH模型★ 電子商務對企業經營績效之影響
★ 有害廢棄物之處理與再利用研究:以A公司為例★ 台灣電燈用電需求量探討--以縣市資料為例
★ 台美股價、匯率、利率之動態關聯-VECM與VECM-GARCH應用★ 台灣攤販業獲利決定因素-人力資本的影響
★ 航空客運經濟帶油決定因素之實證分析★ 台灣都會區用電需求影響因素實證分析
★ 便利商店現煮咖啡銷售之研究★ 大陸鋼鐵出口與台灣鋼鐵價格的關聯性
★ 人口結構變遷對財政教育支出之影響★ 運動鞋製業的市場結構、行為與績效分析
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摘要(中) 自從2003年第三代行動通訊研發成功後,廠商即陸陸續續地推出各種款式的3G手機,以期在趨近於飽和的手機市場中,搶奪手機市佔率,有鑑於此,本研究欲探討手機的各類特徵與其市場價格的關係,藉以了解廠商的定價方法與消費者的願付價格,研究對象是台灣市場上流通的手機,資料來源為CALL流行通訊雜誌與PhoneDaily手機報、Sogi手機王兩個網站為輔,研究期間為2003年1月至2007年12月,包含五年的月資料。
在特徵變數方面,依據手機不同屬性,大致將所有的特徵變數歸類成六大類,分別為基本特性、品牌種類變數、螢幕類型、輕巧性、附加功能、流行因素。此外,由於考慮了內生性問題,故採用二階段最小平方法(2SLS)估計,結果顯示,所有變數皆在1%顯著水準下為顯著,且係數方向與預期相同,而弱工具檢定(Weak Instrument Test)、hausman檢定與過度認定檢定(Overidentifying Test)的結果,使得迴歸結果更加可靠。
最後,在3G手機的分析中,實證結果也印證了Baumol (2002)的製程創新以及產品創新之理論,而對於3G手機各品牌貼水的實證結果,是以Sony Ericsson為最高,其次為ASUS和Motorola。
摘要(英) Since the third generation mobile communication systems were invented in 2003, the manufacturers have continually provided many kinds of 3G mobile phones in order to increase their market share. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the features of each mobile phones and its price and to know more details about how suppliers make mobile prices and how much consumers are willing to pay. The data we use are from CALL magazine, PhoneDaily and Sogi website, targeting on the time from January 2003 to December 2007.
This paper is divided into two major topics. One is to compare the differences of semi-log and Box-Cox models and use Hedonic Price Model to calculate the average marginal prices. The other focuses on process innovation, product innovation and brand premiums of 3G mobile Phones.
As for characteristic variables, we generally classify them into six major categories based on their properties. These categories are Basic Mobile Feature, Brand Type, Screen Type, Degree of Light and Handy, Additional function and Fashion. Furthermore, in order to take the endogenous problem into consideration, we use two-stage least squares (2SLS) to estimate. The empirical results show that all the explained variables are significant and the directions of coefficients are like what we expected on the 1% significant level. Weak Instrument Test, Hausman Test and Overidentifying Test are also conducted to make our results more reliable.
Finally, in the analysis of 3G mobile phones, the empirical results confirm the theories of process and product innovation advanced by Baumol (2002). As for the brand premiums, Sony Ericsson is the highest, and the next two are ASUS and Motorola respectively.
關鍵字(中) ★ 創新
★ 第三代行動通訊
★ 特徵價格模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Innovation
★ Hedonic Price Model
★ The Third Generation Mobile Communication System
論文目次 中文摘要............................................................i
1-1 研究背景與動機........................................1
1-2 研究目的....................................................3
1-3 研究方法與架構........................................3
2-1 行動通訊研發過程....................................6
2-2 手機產業之市場分析................................9
2-2-1 手機市場概況與品牌分析.....................9
2-2-2 手機產業生命週期分析.......................11
4-1 技術創新之理論......................................19
4-2 特徵價格模型..........................................22
4-3 Box-Cox模型............................................25
4-4 特徵價格實證模型..................................27
5-1 資料來源..................................................28
5-2 變數設定與定義.....................................28
5-2-1 應變數之設定.......................................28
5-2-2 自變數之設定.......................................29
5-3 樣本統計分析..........................................36
6-1 特徵價格實證結果.................................41
6-1-1 初始實證結果.......................................41
6-1-2 內生性檢定...........................................41
6-1-3 不分款式之特徵價格實證結果...........47
6-1-4 分款式之特徵價格實證結果...............52
6-1-5 不分款式與分款式之平均邊際價格...56
6-2 第三代行動通訊引進之價格衝擊.........59
6-2-1 各年度3G手機之虛擬變數..................60
6-2-2 各品牌3G手機之虛擬變數..................65
7-1 各模型之實證結論..................................69
7-2 研究限制與建議......................................71
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指導教授 劉錦龍(Jin-Long Liu) 審核日期 2008-7-12
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