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姓名 蔡光程(Guang-Cheng Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 快速建置SIP服務的設計與實作研究
(On the Design and Implementation of SIP Services)
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摘要(中) SIP (Session Initiation Protocol, SIP) 為一種協助多媒體會議 (multimedia session) 召開之通訊協定信號標準,因其具有簡單、彈性、具擴充性等優點,今日已被多數國際通訊大廠採用作為建構下一代以 IP 為核心的網路電話以及新一代語音服務之基礎。但當我們想要建置以SIP為基礎的網路電話服務時會碰到一個問題,就是各種廠商的SIP service logic不能互通。換句話說,因為目前並沒有標準來定義及規範SIP伺服器和service logic的溝通方式,所以每家廠商都用自己的方法來溝通,導致各家產品不能互通。以VOCAL的service logic為例,網路管理者必需調整SIP代理伺服器(proxy server)的參數,才能使其service logic可以運作。而如果有一個SIP代理伺服器並沒有提供像VOCAL的參數調整界面,那麼該SIP代理伺服器勢必不能和VOCAL的service logic合作了。這樣一來,服務建置者勢必為每一個廠商的SIP系統量身訂做其service logic,這是一件非常沒有效率的事。所以,本研究將提出一個方法,可以讓service logic輕易的移殖到任何的SIP環境和任何的SIP產品合作。本研究實際實作了一個service logic伺服器,並且以此伺服器例舉出三個實際的運作例子來証明本研究的方法可行。並且,本研究還做了一系列的效能及其它因子的評估來顯示本研究的方法不僅可以使service logic有可移殖性,且可以在很多方面運作得跟其它方法一樣好。
摘要(英) Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a kind of signaling protocol in Internet. SIP is simpler than other signaling protocols, such as H.323. Creating some telephony services in SIP is easier than in PSTN. So, we pick up SIP to build the Internet telephone network.
When we start to build the Internet telephone network environment, we meet a problem “the service logic is lack of portability” in respect of telephony services creation. Taking the VOCAL Feature Server mechanism as an example, we must configure the SIP server to tell it where the service logic is. If other SIP servers without the ability of configuration, they can not cooperate with the service logic of VOCAL. So, we propose an approach to solve this problem in this thesis. The core of this approach is that we make all SIP transactions (that is related with end users in service domain) pass through the service logic server automatically. It is unnecessary to configure the SIP servers in our approach. So, whether the SIP server with the ability to configure or not, our service logic can work with it. In short, our service logic has the portability. In this thesis, we also implement three real application examples using our approach to demonstrate our proposal.
Finally, we make some comparisons and evaluations between our approach and others. This evaluation shows that our approach can run as good as others in many aspects, and our approach has the biggest advantage- portability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路電話
★ 會議初始協定
★ 服務建置
★ 服務邏輯
關鍵字(英) ★ Internet Telephony
★ VoIP
★ Service Logic
★ Telecom
★ Service Creation
★ Session Initiation Protocol
論文目次 Table of Content I
List of Figures IV
List of Tables VI
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivations and Background 2
1.2 Goals and Limitations 3
1.3 Organization of this thesis 5
2. Related Works 6
2.1 Service Logic and Location of SIP Services 6
2.2 CPL and CGI 7
2.3 APIs – Servlets, JAIN and PARLAY 11
2.4 Example of Service Logic Server Architecture 12
2.5 The Feature Server Mechanism of VOCAL System 13
2.6 What is the problem we deal with? 15
2.7 Summary 17
3. Design Approach and Principles 18
3.1 Principles 18
3.2 Design Approach 20
3.3 Service Logic Server Architecture 23
3.4 Summary 25
4. System Implementation and Application Examples 27
4.1 System Implementation 27
4.2 Example 1 - Call Establishment 28
4.3 Example 2 - Customized Call Control Policy 43
4.4 Example 3 - “Always On” Audio/Video Mail Server 46
4.5 Summary 48
5. System Evaluation 49
5.1 Comparison- Levels of Service Development 49
5.2 Comparison- Other Factors 54
5.3 Performance Evaluation 56
5.4 Summary 59
6. Conclusions and Future Works 61
6.1 Conclusions and Contributions 61
6.2 Future Works 62
References 63
Journal and Conference Papers 63
Internet Drafts and Request for Comments 65
White Papers and Technical Reports 66
Books and Websites 67
參考文獻 References
Journal and Conference Papers
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5. Evloguieva, E., Glitho, R.H., “Plugging in SCPs in SIP networks”, Intelligent Network Workshop, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE , 2000, Page(s): 90 –94
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Internet Drafts and Request for Comments
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24. Johnston, A., “SIP Call Flow Examples”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
25. Johnston, A., “SIP Service Examples”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
26. Lennox, J. et al., “Common Gateway Interface for SIP “, Request for Comments 3050, IETF, Jan. 2001.
27. Lennox, J. and Schulzrinne, H., “Call Processing Language Framework and Requirements”, Request for Comments 2824, May 2000
28. Lennox, J. and Schulzrinne, H., “CPL: A Language for User Control of Internet Telephony Services”, Internet Draft< draft-ietf-iptel-cpl-06.txt>, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
29. Petrack, S. and Conroy, L., “The PINT Service Protocol: Extensions to SIP and SDP for IP Access to Telephone Call Services “, Request for Comments2848, IETF, Jun 2000
30. Roach, A., “SIP-Specific Event Notification”,Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
31. Rosenberg, J. and Schulzrinne, H., “Guidelines for Authors of Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
32. Rosenberg, J. and Schulzrinne, H., “SIP: Locating SIP Servers”,Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
33. Rosenberg, J. and Campbell, B., “Session Initiation Protocol Extension for Instant Messaging”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
34. Rosenberg, J. et al., “Integration of Resource Management and SIP”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
35. Sparks, R., “The SIP Refer Method”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
36. Vemuri, A. and Peterson, J., “SIP for Telephones (SIP-T): Context and Architectures”, Internet Draft, IETF, 2002, Working in Progress
White Papers and Technical Reports
37. Doumas, T., “Next Generation Telephony: A Look at Session Initiation Protocol”, White Paper of Agilent, 2001
38. Gerhard, G., “Advanced VoIP Applications”, White Paper of NUERA, 2001
39. Inmaculada Espigares del pozo, “An Implementation of the Internet Call Waiting Service using SIP”, Helsinki University of Technology, Dec.1999
40. Lamy, M., “A Description of MGCP and SIP”, White Paper of ADTRAN, 2002
41. RADVISION, “Technical Overview- RADVision SIP ToolKit”, Technical Report of RADIVISION, 2001
42. Rosenberg, J., “An Application Architecture for Communications Services”, White Paper of Dynamicsoft, 2001
43. Schulzrinne, H. and Eyers, T., “Predicting Internet Telephony Call Setup Delay”, Columbia University, 2002
44. Ubiquity, “White Paper- Application Powered Networks with SIP”, White Paper of Ubiquity, 2001
45. Ubiquity, “White Paper- SIP Service Architecture”, White Paper of Ubiquity, May. 2001
46. Venters, T., “Demystifying Protocols: A Comparison of Protocol Suitable for IP Telephony”, Sonus Networks, 2001
47. VOCAL, “VOCAL System Architecture”, http://www.vovida.org/, 2002
48. VOCAL, “VOCAL Administration Guide”, http://www.vovida.org/, 2002
49. VOCAL, “VOCAL Installation Guide”, http://www.vovida.org/, 2002
50. Wilkinson, N., “SIP Based Call Centres- A vendor independent architecture for multimedia contact centers”, Quortex Consultants, 2001
Books and Websites
51. Camarillo, G., “SIP Demystified”, McGraw Hill, 2001
52. http://java.sun.com/products/jain/
53. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/sip-charter.html
54. http://www.parlay.org
55. http://www.sipforum.com
56. http://www.sipcenter.com
57. http://www.vovida.org
58. http://www.webpedia.com
59. Sinnreich, H. and Johnston, A.B., “Internet Communications Using SIP”, Wiley Computer Publishing, 2001
指導教授 陳奕明(Yi-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2002-7-17
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