參考文獻 |
1. 林琪淵,「在POS 資料倉儲中挖掘關聯規則」,中央大學資訊管理研究所,碩士論文,民國88年
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6. Michael J.A.Berry and Gordon S.Linoff著 吳旭志、賴淑貞譯,「資料採礦理論與實務-顧客關係管理的技巧與科學」,維科圖書,2001年6月
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9. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber,”Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques ”,Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2000.
10. Ming-Syan Chen,Jiawei Han and Philip S. Yu,“ Data Mining : An Overview from a Database Perspective ”,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol 8 No. 6, December 1996.
11. Nandini Raghavan, Robert M. Bell and Matthias Schonlau.,”Defection Detection: Using Online Activity Profiles to Predict ISP Customer Vulnerability”,Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, Pages 506- 515, 2000.
12. Qi-Yuan Lin、Yen-Liang Chen、Jia-Xing Chen and Yu-Chen Chen,”Mining Inter-Organizational Retailing Knowledge for an Alliance formed by Competitive Firms”, February 2001.
13. Michael Collins , “Telecommunications Crime – Part 1 “, Computers & Security , 18 (1999) , page 577-586
14. Michael Collins , “Telecommunications Crime – Part 2 “, Computers & Security , 18 (1999), page 683-692
15. Michael Collins , “Telecommunications Crime – Part 3 “, Computers & Security , 19 (2000), page 141-148
16. John M. Frost, “Dealing with Fraud in a Converging Environment” ,Compaq Telecom FIINA 2001 |