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姓名 朱柏嘉(Bo-Jia Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 無線區域網路下具服務品質保證之VoIP通訊允入控制研究
(A QoS Call Admission Control Scheme for VoIP Service on Wireless Networks)
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摘要(中) 由於VoIP服務對於傳輸品質要求較高,所以要在無線網路上提供此類服務需要有QoS機制。本文主旨即在探討無線區域網路下提供VoIP等類服務時所需要的QoS保證機制。我們專注在各邊緣網路的邊緣路由器或存取節點上的呼叫允入控制(Call Admission Control, CAC)。傳統無線網路的CAC方法雖然會保留固定的頻寬資源讓換手呼叫使用以提高整體使用者滿意度,但是那些方法卻存在無法根據網路狀況改變保留比例的缺點。其他的CAC方法則需要額外的資訊交換,如此將使得複雜度增加,並且需要過多的運算時間。
為了改善上述這些問題,我們提出一種以Diffserv為基礎並作用在邊緣無線區域網路上的CAC機制。此機制可根據頻寬使用情況動態分配呼叫傳輸頻寬,另外當無線存取點(access points)可用頻寬不夠提供給呼叫要求時,我們也提出動態傳送速率調適方法,來達到增加最大網路利用率和減少呼叫被拒絕的目的。
摘要(英) As the VoIP services require high quality of transmission, it is necessary to provide QoS mechanisms in wireless networks to enable VoIP services. In this thesis we proposed such a QoS mechanism; we in particular investigate the Call Admission Control (CAC) mechanisms which work on the edge routers or access points. To provide satisfactory services, traditional CAC approaches in wireless networks reserved fix percentage of the total bandwidth for the handoff calls. They have the shortcoming of fixed bandwidth reservation that is unable to adapt varying network conditions. Other related works though can be adaptive, but they need extra information exchanges and computing time. To solve these shortcomings we proposed a Diffserv based CAC mechanism, which woks on the edge networks. This mechanism can dynamically allocate bandwidth according to the bandwidth occupancy. It also adapts the transit rate of ongoing calls to reduce the reject probabilities.
Our simulations show that our scheme can perform 15% lower blocking probabilities than traditional schemes do. Using our scheme will provide better VoIP service with QoS in wireless environments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 允入控制
★ 頻寬管理
★ 網路電話
★ 移動性通訊
★ 無線網路
★ 服務品質
關鍵字(英) ★ bandwidth management
★ QoS
★ wireless networks
★ mobility
★ VoIP
★ call admission control
論文目次 Abstract I
Abstract (Chinese) II
Acknowledgements III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VII
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivations and Background 2
1.2 Assumption and Goals 3
1.3 Approaches and Results 4
1.4 Organization of This Thesis 5
Chapter2 Background 6
2.1 Mobility Management 6
2.2 IP QoS Schemes 7
2.3 Approaches for Mobility Management with QoS 9
2.3.1 The Impact of QoS in Mobile Environment 9
2.3.2 Previous Proposed Approaches 10
2.4 Network Architecture in Our Consideration 13
2.4.1 Network Architecture 13
2.4.2 Challenges Under This Network 18
2.5 Summary 18
Chapter3 Problems Analysis 19
3.1 What is the Problem we deal with 19
3.2 Bandwidth Allocation Problems 20
3.3 Bandwidth Adaptive Problems 23
3.4 Summary 25
Chapter4 Design Principles and Approach 27
4.1 Design Considerations 27
4.2 Principles and Approach 28
4.2.1 Principles 28
4.2.2 Design Approach 29
4.2.3 Approach Overview 30
4.3 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism 31
4.4 Dynamic Rate Adaptive Scheme 37
4.5 Summary 44
Chapter5 System Simulations and Discussions 45
5.1 Simulation Parameters 45
5.2 Simulation and Results 46
5.2.1 Simulation 1 46
5.2.2 Simulation 2 49
5.2.3 Simulation 3 51
5.3 Discussion 52
Chapter6 Conclusions and Future Works 54
6.1 Conclusions 54
6.2 Future Works 54
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指導教授 陳奕明(Yi-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2003-7-8
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