摘要(英) |
Internet is more and more important to the enterprise’s business operation. It simplified communication,promoted partnership and competitiveness. Government’s e-Business policy promoted the integration of supply chain and tighten the chain member relationship.
The objective of this research is to understand eProcurement planning, implementation, supplier-buyer interaction and performance. Based on the Adaptive Saturation Theory,this case study is using its seven dimensions to explore the issues involved in the eProcurement management. The empirical data are collected from interviews with buyers in Information electronics and Petrochemical manufacturer and the mail survey of their suppliers. These sample buyer companies procured their direct and indirect material from their suppliers.
eProcurement is the front-end system for the buyer company. To facilitate the intergration with their ERP or back-end system,the buyer companies have to redesign their business process in planning the eProcurement system. Our empirical findings are the extent of system integration has great impact on the operating performance of their suppliers and the buyer-supplier relationships. Suppliers are basically satisfied with current eProcurement system,but they recommend to be improved the responsiveness,transmission quality,user interface. |
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