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姓名 林嘉齡(Chia-Lin Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 有效的知識傳遞與企業資源規劃系統成功之關係研究
(The Relationship between Effective Knowledge Transfer and ERP success)
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
★ 買方採用自有電子市集之個案研究─以台塑企業為例★ DEA模型評估經營效率之研究—以某綜合證券商為例
★ 尋求卓越:中小企業資訊部門的管理之個案研究★ 「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析
★ 產業競合模式策略探討-以自行車產業為例★ RFID導入航空貨運站出口作業流程應用之研究
★ 綠色供應鏈活動建構之個案研究-以筆記型電腦製造業為例★ 導入資訊科技服務管理之評估-以遠東銀行為例
★ 資訊系統導入歷程中專案團隊決策衝突之探討★ 應用資源基礎理論探討持久競爭優勢-以智慧型手機H公司為例
★ 服務導向架構為基礎的企業流程管理之探討 - 以瀚宇博德股份有限公司為例★ 沙賓法案實施與企業遵循個案研究--以K公司為例
★ 資訊服務委外之個案分析-以銀行簡訊為例★ 有線電視業者經營IPTV之競爭優勢分析—以個案公司為例
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摘要(中) 本研究採用知識傳遞的角度,來分析企業資源規劃系統(ERP)的導入。當組織在導入ERP系統時,與ERP系統相關的知識必須有效的從顧問公司傳遞到導入公司,以達到導入ERP系統成功的目的。從過去相關的文獻當中,我們發現其中缺乏利用實證的資料來驗證這樣一個重要的議題。所以,本研究即探討有效的知識傳遞與ERP系統成功之間的關係,並且試圖找出影響有效的知識傳遞的因素。本研究的研究對象是針對台灣的製造業公司來進行問卷的發放,而研究結果發現,有效的知識傳遞是正向的影響到ERP系統成功,除此之外更發現,導入公司的資訊部門人員能力、導入公司對ERP系統的吸收能力、與顧問公司的能力都正向的影響到有效的知識傳遞。
摘要(英) This study takes a knowledge transfer perspective to analyze the ERP implementation. When implementing an ERP system, knowledge transfer occurs between the consulting firm and the adopting firm. In order to achieve a successful ERP implementation, knowledge about the ERP system and business processes must flow efficiently from the consulting firm to the adopting firm. Previous research lacks empirical data to demonstrate this issue. Therefore, this study tests the relationship between effective knowledge transfer and ERP success, and also tries to explain the factors that influence effective knowledge transfer. A questionnaire was developed to collect data from a group of manufacturing firms in Taiwan. The results not only show that effective knowledge transfer is positively associated with ERP success but also demonstrate that the capability of the client’s IT personnel, client’s absorptive capacity, and consultant competence are positively related with effective knowledge transfer.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊部門人員能力
★ 知識傳遞
★ 吸收能力
★ 顧問能力
★ ERP系統成功
關鍵字(英) ★ ERP success
★ Consultant competence
★ IT personnel capability
★ Knowledge transfer
★ Absorptive capacity
論文目次 Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 4
2.1 Organizational learning 4
2.2 The internal stock: IT capability 6
2.3 The internal stock: absorptive capacity 9
2.4 The external stock: consultant competence 11
2.4.1 What is consulting? 11
2.4.2 Competence of consultant 12
2.5 The flow: knowledge transfer 14
2.5.1 What is knowledge transfer? 14
2.5.2 The dynamic process of knowledge transfer 15
2.5.3 Knowledge to be transferred in ERP implementation 18
3. Research model and hypothesis 20
3.1 Research model 20
3.2 Hypothesis 23
3.2.1 IT personnel capability and effective knowledge transfer 23
3.2.2 Absorptive capacity and effective knowledge transfer 25
3.2.3 Consultant competence and effective knowledge transfer 26
3.2.4 Effective knowledge transfer and ERP success 28
4. Method 30
4.1 Research design 30
4.2 Procedure of questionnaire design 31
4.3 Constructs definition and operationalization 32
4.4 Statistical procedure 35
5. Data analysis 37
5.1 Data collection 37
5.2 Descriptive statistics 38
5.3 Stability test 41
5.4 Instrument quality analysis 42
5.4.1 Content validity 42
5.4.2 Convergent validity and unidimensionality 42
5.4.3 Discriminant validity analysis 48
5.4.4 Reliability analysis 49
5.5 Hypothesis testing 52
6. Conclusion and suggestion 55
6.1 Discussion of findings 55
6.2 Research contribution 58
6.3 Implication 58
6.4 Limitations and future research 60
References 63
Appendix A. Questionnaire 73
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T. G. Wang) 審核日期 2003-6-10
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