參考文獻 |
一、 中文部分
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6. 胡瑋刪譯(1999),「知識管理」,中國生產力中心,Thomas H. Davenport , Laurence Prusak著。
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二、 英文部分
1. Amrit Tiwana (2000), The Knowledge Management Toolkit--Practical Techniques for Building a Knowledge Management System, PH PTR.
2. Davenport, Thomas H. & Prusak, Laurence (1998),”How Organizations Manage What They Know”, Harvard Business school Press. Boston, MA.
3. Dixon, N. M. (2000),”Common knowledge: how companies thrive by sharing what they know”, Harvard Business school Press. Boston, MA.
4. Gary Dessler (2001), Management--Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century, Prentice Hall.
5. Hendricks, Paul (1999), “Why Share Knowledge? The Influence of ICT on the Motivation for Knowledge Sharing,” Knowledge and Process Management, Vol.6, No.2, pp.91-100.
6. Herzberg, F. (1987), “One more time-How do you motivate employees ?” Havard Business Review, Vol 65, Iss 5, pp. 109-120.
7. Krogh, V. Georg (1998), ”Care in Knowledg Creation”, California Management Review, Vol.40, Iss.3, spring, pp.133-153.
8. Leonard, Dorothy & Sensiper, Sylvia (1998), “The role of tacit knowledge in group innovation,” California Management Review, Vol.3, pp.112-132.
9. Leonard-Barton, Dorothy (1992), “Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development,” Strategic Management Journal, Vol.13,Special Issue, pp.11-125.
10. Nonaka, Ikujiro (1991), “The Knowledge-Creating Company,” Harvard Business Review, Vol.69, Iss.6, November-December, pp.96-104
11. Nonaka, Ikujiro (1995), “The Knowledge-Creating Company”, N.Y. Oxford University Press.
12. Polanyi, M. (1960),”Personal knowledge: toward a post –critical philosophy”, Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
13. Purser, R.E. & Pasmore, W.A. (Vol.6 1992),”Organizing for Learning” In Psmore, W. & Woodman, R. W. W. “Organizational change and development” , pp.37, London:JAI Press Inc.
14. Quinn, James Brian et al. (Mar/Apr, 1996), “Managing Professional Intellect: Making the Most of the Best,” Harvard Business Review, Vol.74, Iss.2, pp.71-80.
15. Ruggles, Rudy (1998), “The State of the Notion: Knowledge Management in Practice,” California Management Review, Vol.40, Iss.3, pp.80-89.
16. Senge, Peter (1997), “Sharing Knowledge” Executive Excellence,Vol.14, No.11, pp.17-18.
17. Senge, Peter (1998), “Sharing Knowledge” Executive Excellence, Vol.15, Iss.6, pp.11-12.
18. Zack, Michael H. (1999), “Managing Codified Knowledge,” Sloan Management Review, Vol.40, Iss.4, pp+.45-58.
三、 網路下載文件資料
1. Davenport, Thomas H.(1996), “Some Principles of Knowledge Management”, URL:http://www.bus.utexas.edu/kman/kmprin.htm.
2. Ruggles, Rudy (1997), “ Knowledge tools: Using Technology to Manage Knowledge Better, Working Paper” Ernst & Young Center LLP. http://www.cbi.cgey.com/pub/docs/knowledge tools.pdf.
4. 劉常勇管理學習資知識庫
http://www.cme.org.tw/know |