摘要(英) |
This paper discusses why Formosa Plastic Group (FPG), one of Taiwanese top Corps, adopts its own independent e-Marketplace, what factors affect the Corp, and how they affect the Corp. Based on the research paper, the research model is constructed and divided into three categories: Cost, Environment, and Organization. From each category in the research model, a series of data collection and interviews are done for the research proposal and further analysis.
There are five factors in this research paper, as listed below:
1. Scale of the enterprise, which includes three categories: The ability of procurement, the ability of information technology and financial ability.
2. Top-level decision makers’ strategies and attitudes.
3. Comparative benefit of the e-Procurement system.
4. FPG’s e-Marketplace is constructed upon the continuous evolution of numerous electronic commerce system experiences.
5. The culture of the FPG organization.
Currently, FPG owns leading e-Marketplace in Taiwan, and FPG still actively keeps on attracting buyers into its e-Marketplace. As more procurement ability is created, FPG is able to attract more sellers into the e-Marketplace. This chain reaction advantage will continue to grow in the feature. |
參考文獻 |
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