博碩士論文 963202034 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳晏殊(Yan Shu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 集集地震建築物損害率與人員罹難率之關係
(The Relation between Buildings Damage Rate and People Mortality Rate of Chi-Chi Earthquake)
★ 花蓮溪安山岩含量之悲極效應研究★ 層狀岩盤之承載力
★ 海岸山脈安山岩之鹼-骨材反應特性及抑制方法★ 集集大地震罹難者居住建築物特性調查分析
★ 岩石三軸室應變量測改進★ 傾斜互層地層之承載力分析
★ 花蓮溪安山岩骨材之鹼反應行為及抑制方法★ 混成岩模型試體製作與體積比量測
★ 台灣骨材鹼反應潛能資料庫建置★ 平台式掃描器在影像擷取及長度量測之應用
★ 溫度及鹽水濃度對壓實膨潤土回脹性質之影響★ 鹼骨材反應引致之破裂行為
★ 巨觀等向性混成岩製作表面影像與力學性質★ 膨潤土與花崗岩碎石混合材料之熱傳導係數
★ 邊坡上基礎承載力之數值分析★ 鹼-骨材反應引致裂縫之量測與分析
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摘要(中) 本研究蒐集921集集地震所紀錄之強地動資料以及建築物損害資料庫和人員罹難資料庫,利用「等震度」與「等母體數」之概念,建立建築物易損曲線及人員罹難曲線,更進一步求得建築物損害率D值與人員罹難率M值兩者間之關係。
摘要(英) In this research we collect the murdered people damage data, the damaged buildings data and the strong motion data of the Chi-Chi earthquake, and propose the concept of “iso-seismic intensity” and “equal intervals”. We can construct fragility curves and mortality curves, and furthermore derive the relationship of buildings damage rate, D and people mortality rate, M.
We employ the intervals of iso-seismic intensity to derive the relationship of buildings damage rate and people mortality rate in the same PGA base, and discuss the influential factors which are (1) the type of equal intervals, (2) the magnitude of equal intervals, and (3) the different types of buildings. We also discuss the relationship of buildings damage rate and people mortality rate in different types of buildings because the degree of earthquake disaster will be different in different types of buildings to be an important step in decreasing disaster.
In this research we find the exceptional data in the relationship of buildings damage rate and people mortality rate. Due to the exceptional data are resulted from the specific area and discuss that the exceptional data whether should be deleted to get reasonable relationship of buildings damage rate and people mortality rate for expecting to analyze earthquake disaster quickly and get the effect of decreasing disaster.
關鍵字(中) ★ 等震度區間
★ 異常數據點
★ 等母體數
★ 不同類型建築物
關鍵字(英) ★ exceptional data
★ different buildings types
★ intervals of iso-seismic intensity
★ equal intervals
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………………1
1-1 研究動機…………………………………………….1
1-2 研究目的…………………………...………………..3
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………5
2-1 經驗分析法………………………………………….5
2-2 行政區分析法……………………………………...10
2-3 台灣主要地震災害評估系統……………………...13
2-3-1 HAZ-Taiwan 系統…………………………………..13
2-3-2 TELES 系統………………………………………...15
2-3-3 其他評估方法……………………………………...17
第三章 研究方法……………………………………..21
3-1 研究背景…………………………………………...21
3-2 分析原理…………………………………………...24
3-3 資料蒐集…………………………………………...26
3-3-1 地震測站資料蒐集………………………………...26
3-3-2 建築物損害屬性資料庫…………………………...30
3-3-3 人員罹難屬性資料庫……………………………...34
3-4 應用軟體之選用與介紹…………………………...37
3-4-1 地理資訊系統介紹………………………………...37
3-4-2 Surfer 程式………………………………………….40
3-5 分析流程…………………………………………...43
3-5-1 建立強地動參數之空間分佈……………………...44
3-5-2 強地動參數空間分佈之地理資訊………………...46
3-5-3 建立建築物易損曲線與人員罹難曲線…………...48
第四章 建築物損害率與人員罹難率之關係………..56
4-1 建築物等母體數及人員等母體數之影響……...…56
4-1-1 建築物等母體數與人員等母體…………………...57
4-1-2 等震度區間之概念………………………………...59
4-1-3 結果與討論………………………………………...63
4-2 不同等母體數之影響……………………………...66
4-2-1 改變建築物等母體數之大小……………………...66
4-2-2 結果與討論………………………………………...71
4-3 不同建築物類型之影響…………………………...74
4-3-1 建築物分類…………….…………………………..74
4-3-2 人員分類………………………..………………….80
4-3-3 分類建築物損害率與人員罹難率之關係………...87
4-4 異常數據點之探討………………………………...92
4-4-1 異常數據點之判定………………………………...92
4-4-2 異常數據點之緣由………………………………...96
4-4-3 改善分類建築物損害率與人員罹難率之關係….100
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………103
5-1 結論……………………………………………….103
5-2 建議……………………………………………….105
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指導教授 田永銘(Yong-Ming Tien) 審核日期 2009-7-23
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